Print the flipchart pages. The content you are accessing requires a Kidology All Access Membership. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers … Over the summer we’re learning about the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. Think of the balloon as you…..and now I want you to blow air into the balloon…..think of the air as the breath of God……the Holy Spirit living inside of you (don't tie the balloon, just blow it up)......offer help to those who need it. Be careful not to mistakenly offer a pantheistic answer and say that God is in everything! Emmalea Butler Then tell children that if we aren't FILLED with the Holy Spirit, then we'll be LIFELESS and let the balloons fly around the room until they all land on the floor without the air in them! Observe that the balloons are injured or wounded, and that because of that, they cannot contain the Holy Spirit as they should. Special Thanks to Denis Hayes, from Exeter, England, for sending us this great object lesson. Also ask that He … This also is good idea, as it can represent how sin ties us down! In Acts 2, something different happened on Pentecost. Zones › Holy Spirit Balloon Game & Object Lesson Holy Spirit Balloon Game & Object Lesson. This object lesson on prayer looks at prayers of thanksgiving, adoration, requests, and repentance, and how each is similar but unique. Find creative ideas, curriculum, helpful resources, personal coaching, online training and so much more! A balloon filled with helium can represent my life filled with God's Power, God's strength, and the Holy Spirit. is a non-profit ministry dedicated to equipping and encouraging those who minister to children. Return to the Lessons & Sermons page or return to the It uses some science and some surprising ways to keep balloons from popping even when pierced or … A printed paper with the words "Holy Spirit" was inserted in the deflated balloon before it was blown up. Joyfully Serving HIM, After the balloon was inflated, I used a marker and drew big eyes looking up and a big smile. A powerful object lesson about the importance of being part of the church. Hi Kids! If the Holy Spirit is unseen, how can we know when he is present in our lives? My sister bought gospel color balloons to use. Phil. When we put our faith in Jesus, we receive an amazing gift from Jesus in the form of the Holy Spirit. What do you notice about the balloon … Membership Level› Membership Level › All Access. Elementary Object Lesson: Molded to Be Holy (1 Peter 1:15-16) This Molded to Be Holy elementary object lesson will have a profound impact on the way the kids in your children’s ministry view being holy. … Blow up your balloon and tape it under the straw – see Attachment. You could also combine this object lesson with the story of the wise and foolish virgins. We can withstand correction, trials, offenses, etc when we're humble. This interactive object lesson uses Hebrews 11:1 & 6 and a BLINDFOLD to demonstrate faith believes & … That balloon kept right on target, because it had something to guide it. The Spirit comforts us, gives us strength, gives us healing, gives us peace, and eventually leads us to hope. To learn more about this lesson on the Holy Spirit, click on this link. #sharegoodness #seminary #mormon Let me put a card over the top. Youth group ideas, home schooling info, and much more. our children's ministry resources to churches across the world. Description This object lesson shows how God can protect us during times of suffering and temptation. Talk about how God wants us to be healed in our own spirits, so that we are able to be filled with the Holy Spirit and not “lose” it by being so focused on our own wounds that we forget why the Holy Spirit is given to us by God (to share it with others). I used the inflated balloon to explain the Holy Spirit. Kidology's 3-Year Curriculum. Elementary Bible Game: The Mystery of the Holy Spirit. We may look busy, but without God’s direction, our lives are all but meaningless. Without the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are very much like that straw. Thanks for dropping by! Tell kids that they’ll have a race to see who can make a balloon fly across the finish line first. Peter tells him that the gift of God cannot be bought with money, and that he must repent. This forgiveness object lesson illustrates this very concept – that the Holy Spirit removes anger from our hearts and allows us to forgive. Sunday School object lesson about how being filled with the Holy Ghost will help protect you against the problems of life. The new believers receive the Holy Spirit— except Simon the magician. Balloon object lessons: Every weeks or months, I break out the balloon object lessons. Bible Games page. I have a children's sermon to try to explain the Holy Spirit. Then help them tie off their balloons.) Note. Recently I did a survey of my curriculum membership community and found an OVERWHELMING number of them wanted even more object lessons. on your initial annual membership payment. LESSON. Creative Ideas, Curriculum, Coaching and so much more! Copyright 2012 Emmalea Butler Hi, I’m Nathan and I love Sunday School object lessons. At first glance it would seem impossible that the balloon doesn’t pop! A helium BALLOON can teach how being filled with the Holy Spirit impacts our life and empowers us! Object Lessons - Contents. This cup represents you. 21 May 2012. Tell the children to pick up the balloons and continue flying them toward the finish line. The balloon won't pop if the pin pokes the soft spot on the top. Yet understanding the presence of the Holy Spirit is essential to children’s spiritual growth.  Faith is a hard concept for kids, youth or even adults to wrap our minds around. The Science behind the Object Lesson The only thing that’s happening here in the forgiveness object lesson is that air is replacing water in the bottle. These suggestions for Pentecost come from David Goodwin at Kidsreach. Kidology has been helping those in children's ministry for over twenty years! receive the Holy Spirit. In the same way, we will stay on target in our journey through life – If we let the Bible and the Holy Spirit guide us. This Christian object lesson uses a pair of glasses to help children as well as adults or youth realize how the Holy Spirit helps us see God working in and around us in the spiritual realm of His Kingdom. Check out Bible Basics Breathe life into your balloon, and remember that just as the balloon needs to be filled to be what it was intended to be, you and I need the Holy Spirit to fill us so we can be all that God wants us to be. Enter Code KIDOLOGY to save 10% Check out this object lesson for pre-teens. © 2021 Kidology Inc. • 844-543-6564 • • All Rights Reserved. Encourage the children to discuss why it is difficult to make predictions concerning the Holy Spirit. Props: Sliced oranges; 2 Inflated orange balloons (one with half a cup of water in it) 2 Permanent markers (sharpie) A lighter . Verse One Friend January 2018 “Lead… ‘Electrifying’ (Video) Object Lessons on Salvation, Joy, the Holy Spirit and More! A great way to start a discussion with your group on the power of prayer, and what God intends as the purpose of prayer. However, by using a short piece of PVC pipe with an opening about the size of a water faucet, the balloon slips over the pipe so you can easily insert the tract into the balloon through the pipe. Karl Bastian. 4:13, I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength. He goes to Peter and offers to buy this power. You can make a Tell them that the balloon represents them, or people in general. No matter where we are, God can hear us. Your purchases difference! Many children begin to get curious about the Holy Spirit as they grow older. Mar 24, 2015 - Humility object lesson. Mark a line on the floor at opposite ends of the room. The balloon is like the Holy Spirit. She is going to tie black ribbon on each balloon. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, followers of Jesus, disciples, 50 days after Easter, Whitsunday, the birthday of the church, Acts 2:1-31. The 120 disciples were in the upper room and they heard the sound of rushing wind. At the end of the presentation I explained the Holy Spirit is "visible" through the things we do to serve God in the world around us. OBJECT LESSON: HOLY SPIRIT. After completing this lesson, the children will learn that we can obey Jesus, because He gives us the Holy Spirit to help us recognize the truth. A clear and fun object lesson to show what it means to let our light shiine. The very idea of who the Holy Spirit is and how the Holy Spirit can be in more than one place at a time is confusing. When you become a Christian, the Holy Spirit seals you. Members get special discounts, exclusive content and free resources for their ministry. We read in Ephesians 1:13, “When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.” I have a cup here with water. God cleans your heart, gives you eternal life, and fills you with His Holy Spirit. Scriptures: Ephesians 6:18 – Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Sometimes we talk about the Spirit being the breath of God. Compare the self-inflated balloon to human efforts to be joyful and the helium balloon to God’s Holy Spirit, who provides continuous joy. Without all that power, we would never be able For example, you can show how pride puffs us up … Check out this object lesson … Signal the racers to begin flying their balloons. Science (Object Demonstration) Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching "Pentecost" in Sunday School, Acts 1 & 2 Share your thoughts and inspiration by "replying" below. We thank You, God, for sending Your Holy Spirit. Because of its changing nature, (balloons can go flat or inflate) They make the ideal tools for demonstrating Bible principles. A fun game that also teaches four things the Holy Spirit does for us. Filled with the Holy Spirit (Baking soda).5. (Allow children to inflate their balloons. Pray and ask God to curb your desires for “things” and the momentary pleasure these things provide. Talk about how God is in heaven and when we pray He can hear us all the way from up there. TIPS Why shouldn’t we celebrate it and there is no place better to celebrate it than in kids’ ministry! But it doesn’t… We at Creative Kidswork are real fans of TheDadLab Youtube Channel. We love this simple, but powerful object lesson. I take an empty glove and tell the kids that it's a magic glove. In this object lesson we see that we need the power and filling of the Holy Spirit to truly be that light. BALLOON AIR FUN: As the teacher tells the story, let the children blow short breaths of air into their balloon and talk about being FILLED with the Holy Spirit. Now sit on the floor (underneath the paper on the ceiling) with your child and hold on to the balloon. I tell them it is amazing because it can pick things up. It is only because of His power, His Spirit and His strength that I can do great things for God. Once we give our lives to God, it’s as if He harnesses a great spiritual energy source to us. What are the Fruit of the Spirit!? This is a simple object lesson that incorporates science to demonstrate one aspect of the doctrine of the Trinity. Trafalgar, IN Stuffing more than one balloon with a message can be a bit time consuming. This is a lesson about community. This post is located in the following zone(s): it Unit 1 - Jan/Feb - Secrets of the Ancient Scrolls. All Access, Author/Source: Free Christian Sunday school lesson: Filled with the Spirit. There's lot of FREE stuff for Starter Members, and donations to the site help to distribute Fruit Intro. but EVEN MORE for All Access Members! [They were filled with the Holy Spirit and started to talk in different languages because the Holy Spirit was giving them the power to do so.] They do not think it is logical to be a person and not be seen while still alive. Object Lesson - Eyeglasses The Holy Spirit Helps Us See. God’s Holy Spirit power is free to those who believe in Jesus. Jan 22, 2018 - I Am a Child of God – Song Preparation Items Needed: balloons, and a bag or container. Ask the children if the activity resembles trying to predict the actions of the Holy Spirit. Staying in the centre of God's will (Cork floating on water).6. Let the balloon go, and watch it hit its target. It isn't original to me or to the first person I heard use it, but I think it's powerful. Pst! PENTECOST – a time to celebrate Next Sunday (27 May) is a day to celebrate because it is the day we celebrate the ‘birthday’ of the church, the day the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost. Otherwise, we explode when things don't go our way.