However, man’s sinful state did not allow for continual indwelling. Now, I don’t think that’s the way Jesus and Luke are using this similar phrase in Acts 1:4–5. The baptism of the Holy Spirit also connects us to God. Paul didn’t make baptism a part of his salvation speeches, and he states in 1 Corinthians 1:17 that “Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel,” showing that the gospel and baptism are separate. - Crosswalk the Devotional - January 6, 20 Prayers to Keep God First in the New Year, When the Resolutions Fail - New Year Devotional - January 7, 32 Uplifting Quotes for When Your Spirits Are in Their Darkest Valley, 5 Things a Wife Really Needs (But Doesn’t Know How to Ask For), Why We Need to Look to God after National Calamity, 5 Things Christians Should Know about QAnon. Clearly, then, this baptism of the Holy Spirit was not the same as water baptism. What are we to make of the baptism of the Holy Spirit? It provides an inner power that becomes an outward force to bring the reality of Jesus Christ to others. In other words, it’s conversion. When a person is immersed in water and then brought up again, it symbolizes that Christ died and was buried (the submersion) and then rose again (rising from the water). The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Pts. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. That really is an oversimplification. It is not to be repeated . That’s my language again and again as I approach the pulpit and seek to preach. Now, I think virtually everyone agrees that Paul’s understanding here of baptism by the Spirit is the act by which the Spirit unites us to Jesus Christ and his body, the church. Unless I go away, the Advocate [the Holy Spirit] will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you” (John 16:7). Now, that experience may come in an unusual, decisive experience after conversion — a day, a week, a year, or a minute — followed by subsequent outpourings or fillings or baptisms of the Spirit periodically throughout life. Baptism isn’t required to be saved; passages such as Acts 15 and Romans 4 make it clear that no external act is necessary for salvation. Well, what then does Jesus mean in Acts 1:5 and Luke 3? Trump Supporters Storm Capitol: 'As Close to a Coup Attempt as This Country Has Ever Seen', This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2021, Some call these occasions an anointing or filling with the Spirit. Some believe that this second baptism is necessary for salvation, while some don’t. When a person “asks Jesus into their heart,” to use a colloquialism, the Holy Spirit indwells that person. What if What We Saw at the Capitol Is Us? It may come in various ways and fillings and blessings throughout a lifetime that are just unpredictable and various. According to most Christian traditions, you will experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit upon conversion. This means that when we ask, “What does the phrase ‘baptism in (or baptism with) the Holy Spirit’ mean?” we have to ask, “Are you talking about Paul’s use or Luke’s use as he quotes Jesus?” They’re not contradictory. Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/digitalskillet. 1 Corinthians 12:13 says, “For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.” Interestingly, here Paul is speaking to “all,” that is, all the Christians, claiming they have all been baptized by the Holy Spirit. The prevailing Protestant belief is that the baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs at conversion. Like a wedding ring to marriage, baptism is a symbol of our relationship with Christ. By that experience we are joined to the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13, Romans 6:3, Galatians 3:27). That’s why Pentecostalism is succeeding the way it does, because they’re right on this. The varying prepositions reflect the fact that the Spirit is both the agent and sphere of this baptism. Peter declared the same in his sermon in Acts 2:28. This immersion in the Holy Spirit, in fact, appears to occur at conversion. At times in the Old Testament, certain individuals were empowered by the Holy Spirit for short periods of time for specific acts. Do all have gifts of healing? That’s the stereotypical way of thinking about Western Christianity. The baptism of the Spirit refers to the new Believer’s incorporation into the body of Christ by a spiritual-organic union effected by the Holy Spirit. Many Pentecostal denominations believe that the receiving of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is evidenced by speaking in tongues. I need a fresh filling. The implication of this rhetorical question, evangelicals say, is that it should be evident that not all speak in tongues—nor do they need to. It says in Luke 24:52–53, “And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple blessing God.” Here’s a group of men worshiping Jesus. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a free gift from God and does not come with all the hoops to jump through that you have added. 1 & 2. A study of Acts 1:3-8 shows the following points about Holy Spirit baptism: It was promised to only a few; it was never a command, but a promise. Finally, fourth, Luke says that being baptized in the Spirit is being clothed with power from on high so that the message of Christ can be taken effectively to all the world. This conclusion obviously is wrong. He [Jesus] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”. Evangelicals point to verses such as 1 Corinthians 12:13 as evidence that all believers experience this baptism. These are not unregenerate disciples waiting to be born again by the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Andrew Wommack: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Rick Renner: Questions about The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. That’s why Pentecostalism is succeeding the way it does, because they’re right on this. 1 Corinthians 12:13 and Romans 6:1-4 are the central passages in the Bible where we find this doctrine. Evangelicals disagree with this Pentecostal take, especially as it insinuates that some Christians have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and some have not. The Greek word for baptism—baptizo—means “to dip” or “to immerse.” This points to the traditional act of baptism, the immersion in water. What a wonderful thought and promise! He says, “Wait for this baptism” (Acts 1:4–5), and then when he describes it in 2:4, he says, “They were filled with the Holy Spirit.” For him, these are overlapping realities, fullness and baptism. We have a list of doctrines; we have a list of behaviors. “The purpose of the baptism with the Holy Spirit is to empower us to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Pornpak Khunatorn. You are a brother in Christ and with the love of Jesus I pray that you will come into a full revelation of his grace. Baptism in the Holy Spirit can be defined as: at the moment of salvation, the Holy Spirit places a believer into permanent union with Christ and with other believers in the Body of Christ. Can you explain what the Bible means by the ‘baptism of the Spirit’ as it relates to both (1) our initial salvation experience, and then (2) whether or not we are to expect or seek after subsequent baptisms of the Spirit later in the Christian life?”. This enables a person to experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit chooses. Like all evangelical Christians, Pentecostals in the Assemblies of God movement affirm that all Christians have the Holy Spirit at conversion. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. Once Jesus ascended to heaven, as He promised in Acts 1:5, He sent the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to guide the believers. They’re not consistently the same in every season of the Christian life. There is controversy surrounding this phenomenon as to whether it is legitimate or not. Pentecostals, however, tend to take a different approach. Do all work miracles? The laying of the hands is for the anointing of the Spirit. Alyssa Roat studied writing, theology, and the Bible at Taylor University. Luke uses a form of this phrase, when quoting Jesus, for the empowering by the Spirit. Just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. He lists speaking in tongues, saying, “to another speaking in different kinds of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:10). She is a literary agent at C.Y.L.E., the publicity manager at Mountain Brook Ink, and a freelance editor with Sherpa Editing Services. Here’s what Jesus says as Luke quotes him: And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”, He’s quoting John the Baptist from Luke 3:16, where John says, “I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. You have Paul on Cyprus, and he’s about to speak. I think the language is various in the book of Acts for these kinds of things, which are not continuous. Therefore, all the references to the baptism with the Holy Spirit before the Day of Pentecost are prophetic in nature. The new Christian is now "in Christ". The Holy Spirit. He [Jesus] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. When the Holy Spirit came upon the twelve apostles on the day of Pentecost, they were then “baptized” with the Holy Spirit. * Action - Overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit. They’re right to say that to have the Holy Spirit is to have a reality that one experiences. This is what it means to be a Christian: to be moved upon by the Holy Spirit in such a way that we are brought to faith and united to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is Received at Baptism Peter said to them, "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Reinhard teaches on the baptism of power in Acts 2. I just finished a book by Allan Heaton Anderson, To the Ends of the Earth: Pentecostalism and the Transformation of World Christianity. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Holy Spirit is holy. That’s what I think he means. Fourth, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was absolutely necessary for effective Christian witness. The baptism in the Holy Spirit involves an interaction with the Holy Spirit. But what about the baptism of the Holy Spirit? That’s the language of Luke 24:49, where he tells them, “Wait in Jerusalem till you are clothed with power from on high.”. I’m saying they use the same words in different ways. The Holy Spirit indwelling each believer was better, He said, than His physical presence on earth. My understanding of baptism with the Holy Spirit is that Paul uses a form of this phrase to refer to what happens at the new birth. It’s the covenant promise of prophetic power: you’re going to speak with extraordinary power. The Holy Spirit is the very basis of our life in Christ and our connection to God. Most also are generally aware of the idea behind baptism of making a public declaration of dedication to Christ. It can also point to, in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, an “immersion” in the Spirit. I need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.”. If somebody is really seeking and wants Holy Spirit baptism, Jesus IS NOT GOING TO GIVE THEM A SNAKE. Forgive anyone who has hurt you, disappointed you, or falsely accused you. Moreover, if you are eager to experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit in order to be endued with power from on high for the purpose of bearing the fruit of the Spirit and being Jesus’ witness, then there is no risk of being filled with other spirits. The Testimony of the Holy Spirit. Or that experience may come at the very moment of conversion followed by lifelong subsequent experiences of empowering in the Holy Spirit. John Piper joins me over the phone for today’s question, an important one. Is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Biblical? She is the co-author of Dear Hero and has 200+ bylines in publications ranging from The Christian Communicator to Keys for Kids. All rights reserved. When you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit dwells within you, leading and guiding you. 7 Ways to Generously Help People with Your Relief Check. First, Luke describes the first baptism of the Spirit as being filled. I think every Christian should seek fresh baptisms in this sense again and again and again for effective ministry. Spiritual Growth and Christian Living Resources, 7 Toxic Attitudes to Let Go of This New Year, 3 Powerful Prayers for Coronavirus - For Those Sick and Those Worried, Prayers for Healing America and Turning to God, A Mathful God? If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be?” (1 Corinthians 12:16-17), Just because a person lacks one gifting (for example, speaking in tongues) does not mean they have not been gifted with the Spirit. “For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body” ( 1 Corinthians 12:13 ). I think it would be a mistake to limit baptism in, by, or with the Holy Spirit to a single second event after conversion. Thus, it is to be assumed that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is something all Christians experience. I’ve seen churches do this and put a lot of focus on these experiences, which make me quite uncomfortable. (1 Corinthians 12:12–13). The baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues started at Pentecost. Whether you believe that it occurs at conversion or at some different time, we can all agree that the baptism of the Holy Spirit brings us closer to God and to other believers. Article Images Copyright ©. They use the same phrase in different ways. Evangelicals also disagree with Pentecostals on the necessity of speaking in tongues. Before Jesus ascended into heaven He spoke of it as something that was still to occur in the future. He refutes bad teaching and reminds us of how simple it should be. It is also referred to as Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Seven New Testament passages speak of baptism of/in/with/by the Holy Spirit. Your trust is 100% in Jesus Christ to baptize you in His Spirit, not in whether you have properly listed anything that could possibly give a demon an attachment. This post contains affiliate links, for more info check out my disclosure page. Andy Andrews: The Baptism of The Holy Spirit made simple. Then the promise from Joel gets fulfilled and explained in Acts 2:16 and following. Then throughout the book of Acts, the term “filled with the Holy Spirit” is a recurrent repeated experience in the believer’s life, not just a onetime experience. The Baptism in the Spirit is permanent and is bestowed at conversion. “Are all apostles?” Paul asks. Do You Have to Pray in Tongues to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit? That’s the stereotype, anyway, of what Pentecostalism means. In Acts 2:38 Peter says, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Water Is Specifically Identified With baptism. I have struggled to understand and embrace the ‘baptism of the Holy Spirit,’ especially manifested as someone laughing and rolling around on the floor or even passing out for thirty minutes or longer. Speaking of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist preaches that Jesus “will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Luke 3:16). We cannot be gradually baptized in the Holy Ghost, just as we cannot be gradually baptized in water. Pentecostalism is usually defined as a movement in Christianity that thinks of the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a second experience, usually after conversion, marked by speaking in tongues. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. The gifts of the Holy Spirit that accompany the baptism in the Holy Spirit as seen in the first century believers (1 Corinthians 12:4-10; 1 Corinthians 12:28) include signs and wonders such as the message of wisdom, the message of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miraculous powers, discerning of spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues. He burns with the fiery holiness of the Triune God. Paul emphasizes, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them” (1 Corinthians 12:4). You will receive extraordinary power for Christ-exalting ministry. I say, “O God, I need a fresh baptism. To be baptised in the Holy Spirit, you need to: Acknowledge Jesus as your personal Lord, God and Saviour; Repent of your sins – confess and repent of any sin in your life. It’s becoming a Christian. Holy Spirit baptism is the winnowing fork, separating the wheat and the chaff. What Does 'Baptism of the Holy Spirit' Really Mean? He is author of. What is common among many branches of Pentecostalism is not a singular view of baptism in the Spirit, but rather a strong emphasis on the experiential nature of the Spirit’s presence in the life of the believer. Note again that this passage distinguishes water baptism from Holy Spirit baptism, though the same people received both (10:47f). What Should Christians Know about the Quality Time Love Language? There. Ask the Lord to remind you of any resentment you may be harboring, and release it through prayer He uses the filling language in Acts 2:4. Let’s look for some answers to these and other questions regarding baptism of the Holy Spirit. I’m not arguing that there’s any conflict. The promise of Joel 2 is not the new-covenant promise of new birth. - Acts 2:38. Six of these passages refer to John the Baptist's teaching, contrasting his baptism in water with Jesus' future baptism in the Holy Spirit. Then what new is happening at Jesus’s baptism? Baptism in the Holy Spirit is offering hope to many parts of the world where the Church has been declining, in particular since the experience draws many young people back to the Church by giving them a zeal for holiness in their lives. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is considered a separate experience from both conversion and water baptism. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”. Are all teachers? Partaking in this act shows that a person is partaking in Christ’s death and resurrection. Pentecostal theologian Douglas Oss writes, “To my knowledge no classical Pentecostal holds the view that the Spirit is not received at salvation (which would clearly contradict Scripture). He’s saying, “When you receive the Holy Spirit, you will have power so that you can be my witnesses to the end of the world.” That’s the immediate description of what’s going to happen if you wait for the baptism. People everywhere are hungry for experiential reality, not just doctrinal facts or historical facts, which are affirmed with the mind. So you can check it out for yourself. 1 John 4:15 reads, “If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God” (italics mine). Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Of course, there will be some points in the believer’s life in which one feels the Spirit’s presence more strongly or more dramatically than others, due to God’s constant outpouring of His Spirit into our lives. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — Jews or Greeks, slaves or free — and all were made to drink of one Spirit. Here’s today’s question, sent anonymously to us from Berlin, Germany. Note that the first question asked linked together the Holy Spirit and baptism. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Written by Joseph Ho, 3rd June 2015 The true acceptance as sons and daughters of God is through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is right, I think, to ask for a fresh baptism. Third, Luke describes being baptized with the Spirit as receiving power for witness (Acts 1:8). Jesus pointed to a day when the disciples would experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit unlike anything they had known up until that moment. Luke ends his Gospel with a description of the apostles before the experience that they’re supposed to wait for called the baptism of the Spirit. It is an empowering experience. This baptism with fire literally came true at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in Acts 2. To answer the question about the peculiar signs, it may or may not include various signs like tongues or other unusual manifestations. By default, it must be water baptism. The phrase seems to mean different things in the Bible — and it certainly means very different things to different denominations and church practices. You know when you have experienced the baptism of … One of these miracles involved Holy Spirit baptism. “Hello, Pastor John! Most Christians understand the concept of conversion, repenting of sin and pledging one’s life to Christ. Do all interpret?” (1 Corinthians 12:29-30, emphasis mine). It’s part of Christian experience. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: The Issue of Separability and Subsequence. The Holy Spirit works holiness in the believer. Third, water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism are somehow related to each other. To be clear, baptism in the Holy Spirit is not a sacrament but is believed to be related to the sacraments. Even though you might experience one, that doesn’t mean it’s the normative way that this baptism is to be understood. It is considered an event in which the Christian receives the Spirit’s power in a new way, enabling them to more readily partake in miracles and spiritual gifts. The baptism of the Holy Spirit draws all of us together. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. He goes even further to compare the body of Christ to a human body. This baptism of the Holy Spirit was only possible because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, thus cleansing the believer of sin. The baptism with the Holy Spirit first occurred at the Day of Pentecost. The element in Holy Spirit baptism is, of course, the Holy Spirit. By James M. Rochford. 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