The decreased family bonding and less time for socialising are two main reasons for this heinous trend. The frequency in gender indicates that, there are 26 males and 24 females are participated in fulfilling the questionnaire. It is important that the social workers should create a balance between their personal values and their professional values. Moreover, I’ll be free of piled up responsibilities, procrastinated duties, and burden on my mental self, which will eventually also improve my progress in other quadrants of my life. Our life will be valuable and balanced when, in all the aspects of life, we are daily achieving success with all the joys of living! The Evaluation After gathering basic information, now I knew what I was missing and what I got to do. This equilibrium I discovered open my eyes to worth of other things, that made not only my work, but my life much more gratifying. The family circumstances variable is also reliable, because its Cronbach’s Alpha value is “0.8”. The data is collected through the hospitality and the tourism industry. MTP: The Balancing Act Between Personal and Professional Life. If this complexity and changing behavior is not recognized, it creates problem in the development of employee. Please refer to an authoritative source if you require up-to-date information on any health or medical issue. com/1362-0436. “ Employees view the benefits or working conditions that they provide to help employees balance the family and work domains as work-life … Work life balance is defined as the amount of time you spend doing your job compared with the amount of time you spend with your family and doing things you enjoy (Definition of "work-life balance"-English, n.d.) The all value of tolerance is 0.5 or greater than 0.5 which shows that there is no problem of multicollinearity exists. In order to be satisfied, the individual must create the balance between their work life and personal life. An other factor is also very important in this study which is to avail leave immediately. People often ignore their health and personal needs while taking care of their family and job. Through quantitative research, the researcher tries to explore the relationship or connection between the dependent variable (work-life-balance) and independent variable (personal commitment, family circumstances, situational issues, job content). Different behaviors were noticed in all the departments’ cause of its internal and external forces towards the political worth. Being a young student struggling to manage good grades, working part-time to support my education during this era of recession as well trying to give my family sufficient of my time as required, at many times I felt the misbalance in my life that is called work-life conflict. The Work life balance has five questions. The rotated component matrix indicate the factor create in each variable. No plagiarism, guaranteed! The value of KMO also indicates 62.2% of variation explained by our variables. Balance in life could mean having a balanced diet also. Both the personal life and the public life play a crucial role in the life of any individual. ... not necessarily a positive development because it can lead to health problems as well as the disruption of families and personal relationships. Back then I couldn’t see past my work; it still plays a principle part in my life, though it’s not my one and only concern anymore. Work-life balance refers to a satisfactory niche between many different roles in an individual’s life. From my newly gained knowledge, I deduced that a balanced approach at my level will be spending quality time with my friends and family that will have a positive physical and psychological impact on me. Pressures of traveling and reaching on time affects the employees start of work and balanced mental approach. The beta of job content is “-.219”, which shows the negative impact on work life balance, but this impact is insignificant because the sig value is “.187” which is greater than 5%. The objective of this research is to identify the demographic profile of employee who are working in Airline industry, determine the factors affects work-life balance on the employees of Airline industry. Work-life conflict must be removed in order to solve the problem and acquire balance. What Are the Factors That Influence Career Choice? 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. Scholars In which different factors have been identified which affects mainly on the overall productivity and behaviors of the employees and what can be done to improve the success, happiness and satisfaction. The best equilibrium is different for each person because we all have different priorities in life. This information regarding the causes can be obtained by observation of daily life experiences and authentic researches conducted. This is the minimum standard which tells that the factor analysis is able to apply on the data. Through quantitative research approach, researcher is able to apply the statistical technique and analyze the result. Every year, millions of people make resolutions to balance their professional compulsions and personal preferences. The results indicate the positive impact on employee of work life balance. The quantitative research is based on facts and figures. Desire for a better work-life balance has become one of the growing concerns in contemporary society (Wood and de Menezes (2010, p.1575). The frequency of experience indicates that, the employee who participated in our questionnaire are 12 employees who has a experience of 1-3 years, 14 employees has a experience of 4-5 years, 12 employees who has more than 5 years of experience and 12 employee who has a experience of more than 10 years. Work-life balance involves two factors; Achievement and Enjoyment. The results of regression analysis indicates that, all variables impact insignificantly on work life balance except personal commitment, the reason behind is that the employee face hurdles when he/she commits to somebody. In reality there are five areas of life successful individuals are constantly striving to keep in balance – work, mind, body, relationships, and spirituality. The professional workers, employees and self-employed seek such type of schedule that may support them in exercising best possible equilibrium between job and home. (2016, Jul 19). On weekend there would be no computer, no emails, and no emergency calls from work! uencing career choice of management students in India Tanuja. A person is engaged with different relationships that influence a lot to balance between the working life and personal life. The results suggest that there are different reasons that can affect the work life balance of IT professionals. Praveen Tipirneni. Job contents are all the elements of any job that are defined in job description from organization to the employees. If your life revolves around work, then you lose a lot of the other … In order to secure my grades I became over-committed to my studies as well. Studies have shown that decluttering can make you more creative and it helps in making way for the new. It can increase the profitability and good will of the organization too. The d.f which is degree of freedem indicates in total that, there is a sample of 50, but due to “n-1” it indicates 49. Declutter and organize your personal life from time to time. Professional life often refers to as your working life. Job control and social support positively impacts on satisfaction of employee, but this happens after controlling the conflict with family. Employers should focus on better work life balance policies with the competitive compensation packages to have better human resource management. My Side of Story. Failing health and self-esteem and disrupted routine was then a common state of affairs. In our study we have seen that how these different factors are playing role in the lives of employees and how much work-life balance policies by organization are helping them to maintain those commitments. Rehman and Roomi (2012) explore many factors that can effect the working life of women within the economy of Pakistan. Saif et al (2011) examines the connection between employee satisfaction related to job and the work life balance. Work-life balance can be challenging. 1= strongly disagree and 5= strongly agree. Students often prioritize academics at the expense of personal factors, including relationships and exercise. Essay – Adventure Sports – Pros & Cons. Organization needs to keep its employees happy and satisfied to get the maximum productivity (Marget Deery, 2008). Work place rigidity means the stiffness at the workplace and hurdles that can be hard or demanding efforts from employees to improve the work speed, productivity or commitment to the performance. Family circumstances include the relationship which depends on any person and needs to be managed properly (Narayanan and Narayanan, 2012). htm, Work-Life Balance. The results are obtained through questionnaire data putted in SPSS. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. The employees are not considering the work-life balance in their life. Previous studies elaborates that employees satisfaction, motivation, profitability, productivity, recruitment and retention policies can be improved by adopting flexible working arrangements and full determination towards the betterment of the employees and organizational goals. But how to manage this balance to avoid conflict; this topic is discussed through many different aspects enlightened through personal experience. Six components are made due to 6 variables. Here the value of KMO is .622, which indicates that the provided data is able to make the factor. The results indicate that the satisfaction of job and the attitude in job, commitment to organization and personal problems both positively and negatively impacts on work life balance in employee turnover. I could spend quality time with my family. Reference this. The data is analyzed through phenomenological approach (IPA), by using this researcher investigates the factors that affects the working life of women. Profession gives you the confidence. html. Situational Issues are the issues which are not pre-planned. The beta value of family circumstances is “-.073”, which shows the negative impact on work life balance, but impact is insignificant because the sig value is “.754” which is greater than 5%. The personal commitment is significant because if someone has commit to somebody on someday, but on the workplace boss immediately calls you, there is a imbalance create between the personal commitment and work place. The study will identify the assessment of employees about their organization from the work life balance prospective and how it is practiced at their workplace. People have changed their way of building families and generating individualization more preferable than the collectivism. It is to be cited from (Narayanan and Narayanan, 2012), the individuals are facing the challenges that how they balance their work life and personal life (Ramachandra & Suman, 2007). The value of R is .587 which shows the correlation between independent and dependent variable. A young entrepreneur faces different challenges than a family man at the apex of his career. Generally if we see that situation issues if arise at home it builds a negative approach in the mind of employee that how would his/her boss will react to it and if situational issue arises at workplace it gives a positive approach in the mind of employee that it would be considered to be good if he cope up with it and how well he handle the situation for the betterment of organization. The model summary table has these items “R”, R Square, Adjusted R Square and Std. Changes in the family size and structure have played an important role to reflect the fundamental decline in values of family. Secondly, If a person keeps himself aloof from colleagues he may not find his workplace a better place to work. How To: Balance Your Personal And Professional Life Mandovi Menon Updated: Oct 21, 2012, 12:00 IST We've all faced, are facing or bound to face this predicament at some point or the other. 6th Jul 2017 The data is collected through survey. Retrieved from In today’s economic condition, work-life equilibrium is considered one of the most imperative workplace issues. Deal … In other words, Cronbach’s Alpha is the indicator for the testing the actual data, that it is reliable or not. It can be your career, your business or your job. Kumari (2012) examines the views of employee on work life balance practice and the policies in banking sector. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. The beta value of situational issues is “.300” which shows the positive impact on work life balance, but impact is insignificant because the sig value is “.211” which is greater than 5%. The Solution. UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, WINNEBA DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACTORS INFLUENCING CAREER CHOICE AMONG THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE SOUTH TONGU DISTRICT OF VOLTA REGION, GHANA DANIEL KWASI. No drifting away and being in two places at a time. I ended up drained every day, spending most of the time on the run… from study to work, work to home and spending rest of the time sitting on computer. The sampling method which is followed in this research is Quota. Find out more. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! The table of Anova in regression shows the overall significancy of model. Unfortunately, many fail at this mainly due to theirconstant internet connection. The work-life balance definition sets out to achieve an ideal balance between a person’s working life and private life. Here we are conducting a study of Work life balance in prospective of the employees of Pakistan International Airline. It was not until when my parents had to have a ‘serious talk’ with me, that I realized where this chaos was leading me to. I select the variables in my point of view to check that personal commitment, job contents, situational issues, family circumstances and work place rigidity and checked its impact on the work life balance. For many researchers and clinicians it is challenging to successfully balance their professional responsibilities with personal priorities, … Balancing Personal Life and Work. This table shows the effect of each independent variable on dependent variable. You may not leave work at 5 pm every day in order to spend time with the family. This is a factor that is observed to be very important in balancing the work and life of employees. The frequency in marital status indicates that, there are 26 employees who are single and 24 females who are married. *You can also browse our support articles here >. As hard as you try to strike a balance, there may be … We should not do overdo either at work front or personal front. Abstract Achieving the balance between work and personal life is becoming increasingly difficult due to the pressure current society has placed on individuals. htm CDI 13,4 Factors in? Essay – The Need of The Newspaper In The Modern Society. emeraldinsight. The WLB is also reliable because the Cronbach’s alpha value is greater than 0.5. the value of Cronbach’s alpha at “0.872” the second variable “Work place Rigidity” also has five questions, and all the questions from WRP1 to WRP5 are in sequence, so it indicates the factor is made in the variable. The research is based on quantitative approach. In early 1960’s researchers found imbalance in personal life and work (kumari, 2012). The sig value “.002” shows that the overall model is significant because its value is less than 0.5. the F-statistics shows the combine effect of the model. An unhealthy working schedule rarely starts that way. That instantly snapped me back; I set off to work on improving my standards. worklifebalance. It is very important to have a personal-professional balance in life to be happy. VAT Registration No: 842417633. Retrieved July 20, 2009 from http://legalcareers. The frameworks from this body of knowledge convey the substance of the many roles that an individual is likely to juggle between work and personal life. Job content is the nature of job, its title, reporting responsibilities, subordinates, main purpose, and accountabilities of the job and employment conditions. The predictors are used in this research are 5 and the residual which is also called the error, n-p-1, 50-5-1 equals 44. Hire a subject expert to help you with Balancing Personal Life and Work, It is about maintaining equilibrium between work and personal life, facing the multifarious demands in one’s life. Work-Life Balance Strategies. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Narayanan and Narayanan (2012) explore the factors that can influence the work life balance of IT professionals. In private and professional life, a mixture of both lives must be balanced. Work life balance = Constant + Work place Rigidity + Job content + Family circumstance + situational Issues + Personal commitment. Except SL4, all other questions are able to create factor in the variable. My whole time revolved around my work and career, but I couldn’t make up for the very essential part of my life, that is my friends and family. The females’ own business helps female to balance their life. This may have a negative effect on him and thus his productivity may decrease. This essay may contain factual inaccuracies or out of date material. All the questions from JC1 to JC5 are in sequence, so it shows the factor is made in the variable. Situational issues are a barrier in working and personal life. Predictors: (Constant), Personal commitment, Situational Issues, Work Place Rigidity, Job Content, Family Circumstances. It is very common for Social Workers to experience conflicts between their personal and professional values throughout practice. All work is written to order. However, traditional family care support has also decreased with time due to a host of reasons (less family members are available to look after their parents in old age due to increased rural-urban migration and increased need for income). The research design is correlational research, because researcher wants to check the relationship between the variables and also wants to check its impact. Don’t let one creep too far into the other. Personal Success: This is what you aspire to achieve for yourself: emotionally, physically and in your personal relationships. The combine effect of the model is “4.620”. the sixth variable “Personal Commitment” also has five questions. The factors which challenge the women to make work balance in their life are culture, society, norms and values etc. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The JC is reliable, because its Cronbach’s Alpha value is “0.879” The fourth variable “Family Circumstances” has four questions. (There are better and concise ways to write this.) I felt unable to manage my time and was highly dissatisfied with my work and progress. Using experience and excellent reputation in the industry led Tempest to. The balance is achieved when an individual’s rights are fulfilled by the people from whom he/she is expecting to sort out the core problems and issues regarding professional and personal life. The collinearity statistics shows that, there is no problem of multicollinearity exists in our model. Waller and ragsdell (2012) investigates the culture of a company who receives emails 24 hours and its impact on the employees outside the working hours and the second objective is to find out the hours spent by the employee to read email outside the company. ... Be level-headed — it’s very easy to impact your own time and balance of life when something challenging or negative happens. And yes, keeping your job, home life, and studies in sync when you’re enrolled in an executive MBA program is even more so. As I was already a student I opted for the greatest facility available today for work-life balance concerned employees- Flexible timings, so that I can have more sense of control over my work. The statistical technique which is used in this research is hierarchical multivariate regression. Situational Issues can be sickness, emergency, responsibilities. Being present is the key word. The population targeted in this research is employees’ of Pakistan International Airline. Our religious and community activities are also a part of our socio-cultural forces which needs to be maintained in a predefined circle of social and religious values and attributes. Individual Essay: Work-life Balance In today’s work environment a better balance between work and life is increasingly desired by workers. Here we have identified and worked on the some factors related to the job contents affecting on the work life balance of the employees. H0a = Job content does not impact on work life balance, HAa = Job content impact on work life balance, H0b = Family circumstances does not impact on work life balance, HAb = Family circumstances impact on work life balance, H0c = Situational issues does not impact on work life balance, HAc = Situational issues impact on work life balance, H0d = Personal commitment does not impact on work life balance, HAd = Personal commitment impact on work life balance, H0e = Work place rigidity does not impacts on Work life balance, HAe = Work place rigidity impacts on work life balance. The coefficients table is the most important table in regression analysis. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. Work place flexibility is the skills of a worker to engage when, where and how long to related task (Hill et al, 2008). about. Commitments can be given to the friends, family or relatives to build relations and keep your life free of problems and happy. The WRP is reliable, because its Cronbach’s Alpha value is “0.895” which is greater than 0.5. the third variable “Job Content” also has five questions. strategic planning, competing and delegating are the most appropriate strategies which women used to maintain the work life balance in their work and life. This paper attempts to define what work/life balance is and identifies the benefits it can bring … It is a concept in which the maximum happiness of an employee acts as the fuel for productive and fulfilling work, for which both employer and employee are responsible. It is the state of equilibrium where any person is able to get satisfies with personal and professional life. The statistical technique which are used to analyze the data are frequencies, descriptive analysis, factor analysis and through regression we can check the impact of these variables on work life balance. The correlation between dependent and independent variable is .587. The explanatory research also helps to create theories, prediction of future. Whatever you’re doing now, you won’t be doing it after graduation. Giving my study ample time and not burdening myself with more work than I could manage, was also essential. Due to limitation of budget, and sources the study is only limited in Karachi city of Pakistan. According to research, working long hours is one of the sources of work-family conflict. The researcher used explanatory research to examine the relationship between dependent and independent variable. In order to balance one’s work-life situation, you may need to look into four quadrants of your life- Friends, Family, Work and Self. Become a more rounded individual. The topic “Work-Life Balance” has been selected because with increases industrialization and urbanization since Second World War, women labor force participation has increased tremendously and we observe many dual earner couples (Narayanan and Narayanan, 2012). The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www. This conflict is a major problem for social workers. In this essay I will discuss about different problems of work-life balance and ways to overcome them. Before taking any step towards knowing how to achieve work-life balance, first we must gain an understanding of what work-life balance actually refers to. The result of ANOVA suggest that these is no difference between the employee satisfaction at work and work life balance on three levels of management includes top, middle and first level of management. It includes parents, siblings, children, and spouse and responsibilities towards them. Retrieved July 20, 2009 from http://www. According to which the growth of any company depends on the interrelated performance and commitment of the employees. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. At the same place health and hobbies are also said to be very important to build the overall personality of any person which can not be neglected. So all the factor included in rotated component matrix are able to make variable and all factors are reliable. Hence, to maintain the balance between work and family life, the theory “work-life balance” has been adopted. 2. Work life balance also reduces the stress of employees and builds a protected and improved workplace. The information. Profession helps us to earn a living. This article on " Work & Life Balance” will boost your confidence to be successful in Essay Writing Test: There used to be a time when the domain of work and personal life were clearly distinct. In this state an employee needs to manage all the criterias at a time; his work, his office, his home and responsibilities towards all people around him. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Job content are the duties and responsibilities written in job description, family circumstance includes number of dependents to employee in family, work place rigidity shows the working demand and work life balance is about to create balance between the working life and personal life. So it means the data is reliable used for study. I could contact my friends, go out and have some fun. Creating Balance . We define balance in life as it relies on our desire to feel successful both at work and our personal life at the same time. This also includes the deadlines and schedules which need to be met by the employees on time with the expected outcome. Career Development International Emerald Article: The impact of organisational support for career development on career satisfaction Belinda Renee Barnett, Lisa Bradley Article information: To cite this document: Belinda Renee Barnett,. Factors that were affecting mainly are leave arrangements, inflexible/flexible working time, job sharing, trainings and growth opportunities, and employees’ relations with their colleagues. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Mixed approach means both qualitative and quantitative. The competition at a workplace, increased population and our demand to do best in every sector is the main reason we are not being able to balance in our professional and personal life. com/od/careertrends/a/worklifebalance. Q2) Are the factors includes (workplace rigidity, Job Contents, Personal Commitment, Situational issues and family circumstances) effecting work life balance? The current situation (where workers have to look after their children as well as work/earn) leads to a situation called work-family conflict. Work-life balance involves two factors; Achievement and Enjoyment. The results suggests that there is a difference between the male and female related to job satisfaction as compare to different factor of work life balance. As the time changes continuously, it is very difficult to maintain the balance between the work and the personal life. The work life balance creates balance between the work and life includes career and the life style. On a practical level it is easy to see that both your professional life and personal life go hand in hand in the everyday balancing act that makes up your existence. It refers to pressures from work and family domains, which are incompatible with each other in such a way that meeting requirements of one role makes it difficult to satisfactorily fulfill the other role (kumari, 2012). Most of us struggle to find a balance between our jobs and our personal lives at some point in our career. It indicates that the matrix is an identity matrix. 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