Cathy MacDonald presents highlights from previous years at the Children's Mod. Then, music with Julie Fowlis and her band followed by the new drama Eilbheas (Elvis). The King of Country music - Daniel O’Donnell – presents and Anne Sinclair narrates as they give a warm welcome to the stars of country music. BBC America1 | BBC Brit (South Africa) | BBC Canada2 | BBC Earth (Australia | Canada | Sony BBC Earth3 | South Africa) | BBC Entertainment | CBeebies (Australia and New Zealand) | BBC First | BBC Lifestyle | BBC Living | BBC … Feathers, sequins and make-up - this show has it all and Cathy is right at the heart of it. It tells the story of the first global communication: the first shortwave broadcast to the Empire, the 1934 Christmas Broadcast by the BBC. The play follows the true story of how the BBC produced the first ever live Christmas address, told through the eyes of a young radio engineer. Freesat 110 - 2100-0000. To find all currently available programmes, do a completely empty search. Whilst driving, the lights go out and the Danger Car disappears. Watch now BBC ALBA. Fhad ’s a tha Donnie Murdo agus Pamaidh a-muigh ann an càr a’ chunnairt, tha na solais a’ dol às agus tha an càr a’ dol à sealladh. Cathy NicDhòmhnaill le òigridh a shoirbhich aig Mòdan tro na bliadhnaichean. BBC Alba BBC2 - 2100-2230. Surfshark A fast, security-conscious VPN that unblocks BBC iPlayer with ease and allows any number of connections. It is one of the three BBC national regions, together with BBC Cymru Wales and BBC Northern Ireland.Its headquarters are in Glasgow, it employs approximately 1,250 staff as of 2017, to produce 15,000 hours of television and radio programming per year. MG Alba’s chairwoman Maggie Cunningham said the global success of The Killing and Borgen was an inspiration. Cathy Macdonald follows three Scottish girls who, at the height of their dancing careers, perform at the iconic Parisian cabaret, The Moulin Rouge. Cathy MacDonald presents highlights from previous years at the Mod. Coimhead bhidio is leugh mu dheidhinn. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Series 1 Tormod doesn’t know how to deal with the shocking news he learned at the party. The name Alba is the Scottish Gaelic name for Scotland. It’s time for your favourite festive fayre… whilst peeling the spuds and scoring those Brussels sprouts Anneka Rice provides the perfect accompaniment to Christmas morning as she presents Junior Choice live. Chan eil fhios aig Tormod ciamar a dhèiligeas e ris an naidheachd mhòr a fhuair e aig a’ phàrtaidh. Cathy NicDhòmhnaill ag aithris prògram à bhitheas a toirt sùil air ais air feadhainn dheth na seinneadairean òg a bhuannaich aig diofar Mhòdan tro na bliadhnaichean. This service is faster than any other, with top-notch security features, a no-logs policy, and a 30-day money-back guarantee. How having a hut in the woods could do you good. The series, based on Viktor Arnar Ingolfsson’s novel, is set in a deserted island off the western coast of Iceland in 1960. VideoCiamar a dhealbh Raibeart Stevenson taigh-solais Creag a' Chluig? Drama. Cathy MacDonald presents a celebration of previous Mòds featuring many wonderful performances from former winners of the Children’s competitions. So come along and Be Our Guest joining Anneka and contacting the show at Rita is Crogall. Episode 3. Breaking news, sport, TV, radio and a whole lot more. Tha Trump a’ dèanamh miastadh agus tha Siobhan NicAonghais a’ lìbhrigeadh an Crannchur Nàiseanta. Anneka Rice invites you to "Be Her Guest" and join in with with her Festive Junior Choice. In February 1968 Ed, or Stewpot as he became known to children everywhere, took over as presenter and he stayed with the show for the next 11 years, until he handed the Junior Choice mantle to Tony Blackburn. Le Daniel O’Donnell a’ lìbhrigeadh agus Anna Nic na Ceàrdaich ag aithris. VideoCeanglaichean gu goireasan Gàidhlig Bitesize, Cò às a bhios a' ghaoth a' tighinn? Whilst driving, the lights go out and the Danger Car disappears. Tha program sònraichte ri thighinn air Oidhche Challainn le aoighean aithnichte is rudan air leth neònach a’ tachairt. Taking a comic swipe at the Gaelic world and beyond, the award-winning Gaelic sketch show FUNC returns. In the course of the play, we also meet Spenser Flower and Walton Handy, two ordinary men from the Midlands who spoke eloquently to the world in a time when global communication was considered impossible. Coimhead bhidio is leugh mu dheidhinn, Ciamar a dhealbh Raibeart Stevenson taigh-solais Creag a' Chluig? 10 minutes ... BBC ALBA. Plus Matt Everitt joins with the latest Music News. Coimhead bhidio is leugh mu dheidhinn. Tha an teaghlach agus Raonaid a’ cruinneachadh aig taigh Màiri agus Lucas airson dìnnear, ach chan eil Màiri a’ toirt for cho mì-chofhurtail ’s a tha iad uile ann an cuideachd a chèile. Celebrate your favourite shows: Doctor Who, Top Gear, Sherlock, and many more! Cathy NicDhòmhnaill ag aithris prògram à bhitheas a toirt sùil air ais air seinneadairean òg a bhuannaich aig diofar Mhòdan tro na bliadhnaichean. Cathy MacDonald presents highlights from previous years at the Children's Mod. The show succeeded the old Light Programmes Children's Favourites, and in those early Radio 1 and 2 days it was a simultaneous broadcast on both stations. Tha Ceitidh tàmailteach nuair nach eil Calum a’ nochdadh airson an deit aca ach chan fhada gus a bheil i a’ toirt maitheanas dha agus iad a’ toirt a’ chàirdeis aca chun na h-ath ìre. Bidh Dominic, Colm agus Barry Kirwan air an àrd-ùrlar còmhla ri Daniel fhèin. Once a search is returned, add or exclude further terms from the results page and search again. © 2020 BBC. Tha FUNC air ais le sreath ùr de sgeidsichean comadaidh èibhinn eile loma làn charactaran ùra agus feadhainn aithnichte. People, culture, news, sport, television shows and radio programmes from BBC Alba. BBC ALBA. Video, Cò às a bhios a' ghaoth a' tighinn? Ident Circle 3,238 views. The Light of a Thousand Suns A BBC Radio Drama - … Series 7 This is an exciting opportunity to note your interest in developing an original Scottish drama that … Huw is here again making some noise in between songs so the emergency tape doesn’t kick in. Tuesday is primarily the day young fluent Gaelic speakers showcase their talents and this show will highlight winners of solo singing, traditional singing, choral singing and winners of the prestigious An Comunn Gàidhealach Silver Medals. 2019's Christmas presentation launched on BBC Alba on Saturday 30th November. With Lucas safely out of sight, Màiri has a special surprise for Tormod, only for him to reveal his big secret. BBC Alba broadcasts more Scottish sport than any other channel, with over three hours a week of football, rugby and shinty. Upload is a show where anyone can upload anything, and we are delighted that this Christmas we can share Run Home Production's Upload of ‘Voices Out of the Air’ radio drama by Mark Carey. Tha FUNC luath, mì-mhodhail agus magach. BBC Alba’s Gaelic drama Brannan – the first drama series to be produced for the channel – follows a woman who returns to the island home she deserted eight years ago. The estimated audience around the world will be 20 million people. Geamaichean Gorach . 2021 EBU (European Broadcasting Union) children’s short drama scheme BBC ALBA are looking for vibrant, compelling ideas from Gaelic writers for the 2021 EBU (European Broadcasting … Bannan, Alba’s Gaelic drama starring Debbie MacKay Photograph: BBC Alba I n an industry that swaggers with bombast and fury, the continuing presence of BBC Alba … Bannan, BBC Alba's long running drama, is to take new and darker turn in its new season, with a murder and 'whodunnit' at its heart in the manner of 'Scandi-Noir' shows, its producers have revealed These young Scots are living out their dreams of dancing at such a prestigious venue, presenting the best of France, two shows a night, 365 days a year. Itean, grìogagan agus maise-gnùis – tha h-uile rud san taisbeanadh seo, agus bidh Cathy na theis-mheadhan. Following three Scottish girls who perform at The Moulin Rouge, Paris, in its 130th year. As part of a look back at the wealth of talent performing at the Mod over the years, Cathy introduces a selection of young singers who won prizes at the premier festival for Gaelic speakers. Chaidh a chlàradh ann an Glaschu agus air Eilean Leòdhais le stiùireadh bho Michael Hines agus riochdaichte leis The Woven Thread dha BBC ALBA. Air aithris le Anna Nic na Ceàrdaich. Tha Opry Le Daniel a’ tighinn gu BBC ALBA, luma-làn tàlant aig cridhe ceòl dùthchasach. Video. As part of a look back at the wealth of talent performing at the Mod over the years, Cathy features a selection of young singers who won prizes at the premier festival for Gaelic speakers. Cuiridh Cathy fàilte oirbh gu còmhraidhean ri aoighean sònraichte mar Annabel NicIllFhinnein, Mairead NicLeòid bhon chòmhlan ainmeil Na h-Òganaich, Catrìona NicNèill agus Iain ‘Costello’ MacÌomhair a bha iad fhèin soirbheachail aig Mòd na Cloinne. You can also search by using just the filters and an empty search box. Recorded in front of a live audience, Opry Le Daniel introduces the cream of country music artists from the length and breadth of Ireland, from the Millennium Forum, Derry. People, culture, news, sport, television shows and radio programmes from BBC Alba. Ciamar a dhealbh Raibeart Stevenson taigh-solais Creag a' Chluig? Huw welcomes another Small Claims Court caller to air & Matt Everitt has the Music News. Cathy NicDhòmhnaill le òigridh a shoirbhich aig Mòdan tro na bliadhnaichean. Cluinnear measgachadh de sheinneadairean òga agus còisirean dùthchail a bhuannaich na prìomh-fharpaisean aig a’ Mhòd. Episode 6. Leis an teaghlach Kirwan. Tha Mùmantrobha agus a charaidean a' dol air dàn'-thuras gu bholcàno, Ceanglaichean gu goireasan Gàidhlig Bitesize. Oidhche na Bliadhna Ùire (New Year’s Eve) It's New Year’s Eve, so Rita and Crocodile are allowed to stay up until midnight. Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ còmhradh ri aoighean sònraichte 's iad a' cuimhneachadh air diofar Mhòdan tro na bliadhnaichean. BBC ALBA Start up with new countdown 2019 - Duration: 5:18. It's 1934. In the early 30s technology was changing fast, the monarchy was struggling to retain relevance and the stories of 'ordinary people' were being told. Series Machair: Series 12. Anns an t-siathamh prògram tha an teaghlach Kirwan air aoigheachd agus anns an earrain seo, gheibhear sealladh air beatha na balaich. Bidh na h-Albannaich òga sin a’ coileanadh miann an cridhe le bhith a’ dannsa aig ionad a tha cho iongantach, a’ cur air adhart a’ chuid as fheàrr den Fhraing, dà thaisbeanadh san oidhche, 365 latha sa bhliadhna. Ceitidh is disappointed when Calum doesn’t show up for their date but she soon forgives him and they take their relationship to the next level. Run Home Production's Upload of ‘Voices Out of the Air’ Christmas radio drama. Abadas Series 1 Episode 22: Muileann-Gaoithe/Windmill. Choirich Ceannard Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd cruinneachaidhean mì-laghail gu ìre airson àrdachadh ann an cùisean Covid san sgìre. She also presents a few of the notable winners of the Rural Choirs’ competitions. The filming of a further five episodes of the programme will give a significant boost to the creative industries in Scotland. The Best of British TV and Culture. As if this isn't challenging enough, the broadcast will take place from two locations, 125 miles apart: the Royal Estate at Sandringham and the tiny village of Ilmington. BBC Alba is a Scottish Gaelic language digital television channel jointly owned by the BBC and MG Alba.The channel was launched on 19 September 2008 and is on-air for up to seven hours a day. Tha Trump a’ tilleadh gu eilean a shinnsirean, tha Flo is Marge fhathast air tòir druthag làidir agus coinnichidh sinn ri teaghlach Lochlannach le nàbaidhean lormachd air a bheil gràin aca. The latest annual report for the Gaelic channel run by MG Alba in partnership with the BBC said a lack of original drama will be tackled. In 2019, the Moulin Rouge turned 130 years old. Could letting go of need for success make us happier? Cathy MacDonald presents a celebration of previous Mòds. BBC Alba is British public television network owned by British Broadcasting Corporation.The channel broadcasts news, entertainment, sports, documentaries programmings in Scottish Gaelic language. Tha an càirdeas eadar Ceitidh agus Calum ga thoirt chun na h-ath ìre. BBC Alba combines television, radio and on-line programme content. Soaps. Shop bestselling DVDs, Blu-rays and merchandise direct from the BBC Shop. Na naidheachdan spòrs as ùire le Iain Moireasdan, Geama slàn bhon Phrìomh Lìog: Dundee United v St Johnstone, Na Glèidheadairean. Featuring a whole raft of old and new characters, FUNC 2 is funnier and faster than ever before. Plus, Gold Soundz kicks off the show with 30 minutes of BANGERS! Fàilte gu Moulin Rouge Écosse. Ceitidh shares some racy photos with Calum. Video, Ceanglaichean gu goireasan Gàidhlig Bitesize, Cò às a bhios a' ghaoth a' tighinn? Media Release: BBC ALBA builds on success with new drama episodes A NEW series of episodes of the popular BBC ALBA drama, Bannan, has been commissioned, it has been announced. Anneka Rice invites you to "Be Her Guest" and join in with her Festive Junior Choice, she will be serving up a feast of nostalgia, novelty and comedy classics chosen by you. Featuring the Kirwan family and narrated by Anne Sinclair. .css-1xgx53b-Link{font-family:ReithSans,Helvetica,Arial,freesans,sans-serif;font-weight:700;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:#FFFFFF;}.css-1xgx53b-Link:hover,.css-1xgx53b-Link:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Read about our approach to external linking. Perhaps the most surprising thing about the story of the 1934 Christmas Broadcast is that it has never been told before, until now. VideoCò às a bhios a' ghaoth a' tighinn? “Danish dramas could inspire potential makers of Gaelic-language dramas, a BBC Alba boss has said. Read about our approach to external linking. Series 2 Le Lucas a-mach à sealladh, tha rudeigin sònraichte aig Màiri ri shealltainn do Thormod, ach tha naidheachd uabhasach aigesan dhìse. IPlayer-VideoNa Glèidheadairean, Ceòl Dùthchasach. Trump upsets the locals and Siobhan MacInnes hosts the lottery. Tha 2019 a’ comharrachadh 130 bliadhna bho chaidh am Moulin Rouge a stèidheachadh. BBC ALBA has unveiled its autumn package of programmes at a launch event held yesterday (Tuesday 9th September) in Glasgow. Search results can be reordered by: Find out more about BBC Programme Explorer, Coventry Creates including BBC CWR Upload. Featuring the Kirwan family and narrated by Anne Sinclair. Episode 2. Donna is back in hospital and she, Finlay and Iain fall out. Joining Cathy are special guests Joy Dunlop, Derek MacIntosh, Lisa MacNeil and Catriona Lexy Campbell who recall their own emotions and memories of taking part in the Royal National Mòd. The plan is to broadcast, for the very first time, live on Christmas day. In addition, the station also broadcasts a live news programme every day, with the weekend news provision beginning in 2018. Yes, BBC Alba. Series 1: 26. Optionally, combine your query with a variety of filters to narrow your results. When you've chosen your filters, hit enter or use the 'Apply Filters' button. Series 2 Coventry Creates and Upload is about celebrating the local creativity in our area. Trump upsets the locals and Siobhan MacInnes hosts the lottery. Drama. Cuiridh Cathy fàilte oirbh gu còmhraidhean ri Joy Dunlop, Derek Mac an Tòisich, Lisa NicNèill agus Catrìona Leagsaidh Chaimbeul agus iad a’ cuimhneachadh air na h-àmanan prìseil a bhai ad fhèin a’ gabhail pàirt ann am farpaisean aig Mòdan. Tha Donna air ais anns an ospadal agus tha i fhèin, Finlay agus Iain a’ dol a-mach air a chèile. Coimhead bhidio is leugh mu dheidhinn. Broadcaster Cathy Macdonald follows three Scottish girls who form a part of the illustrious history of this world-famous cabaret. History Edit. Monday is primarily the day young Gaelic-speaking learners showcase their talents at the Mòd and this show features winners from various competitions over the years including solo singing, traditional singing, choral singing and winners of the prestigious James C MacPhee Memorial medals. Bidh an craoladair Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ leantainn triùir nighean Albannach a tha mar phàirt de dh’eachdraidh iomraiteach an taisbeanaidh chliùitich seo. 1 hour, 59 minutes Available for 11 days First broadcast: Saturday 15th Aug 2020, 21:00 Latest broadcast: Saturday 19th Dec 2020, 20:30 Roghainnean bho fharpaisean. Air a chlàradh ann an Foràm nam Mìle Bliadhna ann an Doire agus ann an cuideachd luchd-èisdeachd, tha Opry Le Daniel a' toirt a-steach an luchd-ciùil dùthchasach as cliùitiche bho air feadh Èirinn. Filmed in Glasgow and on the Isle of Lewis,and directed by Michael Hines, FUNC is a The Woven Thread production for MG Alba. Highlights from previous Championships. When the lights come back on, DM and Penfold discover that they're on 'The Jimmy Camel Show', which looks back at the pair's actions from the past two series, but Penfold is suspicious. Starting out tonight with a recorded version of the Runrig song "Alba" sung by many different people, this promises to start the launch of BBC Alba off with a bang. She’s dusted off her CD cabinet at Wogan House and will be serving up a sumptuous feast of nostalgia, novelty, comedy classics and sing-along favourites to delight… and they’ll all be chosen by the listeners. Tension mounts as the family and Raonaid gather at Màiri and Lucas’ but Màiri is completely oblivious to it. Welcome to The Moulin Rouge Écosse. These include the successful choirs who have won the Lorn Shield and the Sheriff MacMaster Campbell Memorial Quaich over the years. Ciamar a dhealbh Raibeart Stevenson taigh-solais Creag a' Chluig? CBBC (short for Children's BBC, also known as the CBBC Channel) is a British free-to-air children's television channel owned and operated by the BBC.Launching on 11 February 2002 as a spin-off from the BBC's children's strand of the same name, CBBC broadcasts for fourteen hours per-day from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. Tha Ceitidh a’ cur deilbh dhi fhèin gu Calum. Richard Derrington - Adam Dalgliesh - 'P.D James' Mysteries', Mark Hebden - 'The Archers' (1980-1994), Alison Belbin - Mrs Tulliver - 'The Mill on the Floss', Susan Garth - 'Middlemarch', Miles Richardson - George Allen - 'The Crown', Colonel Chadwick - 'Outlander', Josh Harper - Dec Lonsdale - 'Coronation Street', Alex Redwood - 'The Archers', Keith Osborn - Sergeant Allbright - 'Father Brown', Marcellus 'Hamlet' (RSC/BBC), Mark Carey - Mr Lockwood - 'Wuthering Heights', John Rossiter - 'Home Front', Uploaded by Jack Richardson from Run Home Productions, Series 1 Episode 3. 21 mins Available for … Episode 1. Nuair a thilleas na solais air, tha iad air prògram Sheumais Chàmhail, ’s iad a’ toirt sùil air ais air gluasadan an dithis aca bhon dà shreath mu dheireadh, ach tha Pamaidh amharasach. Cathy MacDonald chats to four guests who recall special memories competing at previous Mòds. IPlayer-VideoCeòl Dùthchasach, Find peace of mind with this simple meditation. Huw is here live making some noise in between songs so the emergency tape doesn’t kick in. Tonight’s show features the talented Kirwan family as special guests and Dominic, Colm and Barry Kirwan join Daniel on stage. Browse the Drama & Soaps category for available TV programmes to watch on BBC iPlayer. Suiteis as na Speuran!/The Great Northern Candy Drop. The new idents were launched in September 2018, with the BBC Alba logo now in BBC Reith Sans font. Cluinnear measgachadh de sheinneadairean a ghlèidh na prìomh dhuaisean aig Mòd na Cloinne bho dhiofar bhliadhnaichean airson cleasachd, seinn aon-neach, seann nòs, agus na nigheanan ’s na balaich a thog leotha Buinn Airgid a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich. The horizontal variant above, however, remains in some situations. Opry le Daniel. Cast and characters [ edit ] It returned on Monday 23rd November 2020. Series 2 Chris Young, producer of BBC ALBA’s drama series, ‘Bannan’, previewed five new episodes in the series as well as announcing a further ten episodes for 2016, delivering a total of nine hours of drama to BBC ALBA. A two-episode fourth series was broadcast in December 2015, and a fifth series of four episodes premiered on 1 January 2019. A second series of four episodes aired on BBC One in June and July 2011, and a third was commissioned in 2012 composed of four episodes which aired in July 2013. We'll be playing the radio drama and Rachel New will catch up with the creators to find out how they created this during lockdown. Sky 168 - 2100-0000. BBC Alba Find out what's on BBC Alba tonight at the UK TV Listings Guide Wednesday 06 January 2021 Thursday 07 January 2021 Friday 08 January 2021 Saturday 09 January 2021 Sunday 10 January 2021 Monday 11 January 2021 Tuesday 12 January 2021 Wednesday 13 January 2021 It begins tonight (Friday 6th September) at 10pm. There’s a Hogmanay special with some special guest stars and a mixture of the surreal, satirical and downright silly. Watch BBC ALBA live, find TV programme listings and schedules, plus enjoy your favourite shows on BBC iPlayer. Although a period piece, Voices Out of the Air has strong parallels with today's world. .css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:link{color:inherit;}.css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:visited{color:#696969;}.css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:link,.css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:visited{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:link:hover,.css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:visited:hover,.css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:link:focus,.css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:visited:focus{color:#006DEF;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:link::after,.css-vh7bxp-PromoLink:visited::after{content:'';position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;}Tha Mùmantrobha agus a charaidean a' dol air dàn'-thuras gu bholcàno, Eadar Rootle, Shade agus na Musha, tha Tom agus Twigs air an cumail trang, Tha Pàdraig a' toirt taic dha Trixie, tè de chaoraich Chaluim, An àireamh bàis làitheil Covid as àirde ga chlàradh, An Rest and Be Thankful fosgailte a-rithist, .css-q4by3k-IconContainer{display:none;height:1em;width:1em;vertical-align:-0.125em;margin-right:0.25em;}Ceanglaichean gu goireasan Gàidhlig Bitesize. Nollaig Neònach/Yule Only Watch Twice. Junior Choice first went on air on Saturday 30 September 1967 - the first weekend of the brand new Radio 1 and Radio 2 - and was presented by Leslie Crowther. She also introduces a selection of exceptional winning performances from children and rural choirs over the years. 52 programmes available. BBC ALBA are refreshing their drama slate and seek expressions of interest in developing a contemporary, peak-time, returnable serial in the Gaelic language. The BBC has come up with an audacious idea…. Read about our approach to external linking. [3] Trump returns on holiday in the homeland; Flo and Marge return in their search for drink; there are Vikings who hate their Pictish naked neighbours; childrens’ TV presenters who don’t get on and the latest technology comes to the Mod. Documentaries, music, sport, World War I recollections, children’s programmes and comedy from some of Scotland’s finest production companies all featured in the new schedule announced at the Royal Concert Hall in the city. The BBC informs, educates and entertains - wherever you are, whatever your age. Best VPNs for watching BBC in the US: NordVPN Our top choice for watching the BBC in the USA! Cathy MacDonald presents a celebration of previous Mòds featuring many memorable performances from the winners of the Children’s competitions. Prògraman CBBC air BBC ALBA. Brand Machair. Cuideach gheibh sinn blas dheth na còisirean dùthchail a bha soirbheachail agus a bhuannaich farpaisean mar Sgiath Latharna agus Cuach Cuimhneachan an t-Siorram MacMhaighstir Caimbeul. Bidh sinn aig a’ Mhòd far a bheil teicneòlas adhartach air nochdadh agus chan eil cùisean ro dhòigheil le preasantairean nam prògraman chloinne. Opry Le Daniel on BBC ALBA, with a wealth of musicians who are at the heart of country music. BBC Scotland is a division of the BBC and the main public broadcaster in Scotland.. She is be joined by Annabel MacLennan, Margaret MacLeod of Na h-Òganaich fame, Catriona MacNeil and Iain ‘Costello’ MacIver who recall their own emotions when taking part in the Royal National Mòd. Plus, Matt Everitt has the latest Music News which includes a chat with the Hacienda team about their upcoming plans & the actual Santa joins with another story from a Christmas gone by in new feature - Santa's Secrets. Bidh iad a' cuimhneachadh cò ris a bha e coltach a bhith gabhail pàirt ann am farpaisean agus cluinnear measgachadh de sheinneadairean a ghlèidh na prìomh dhuaisean aig Mòd na Cloinne tro na bliadhnaichean airson cleasachd, seinn aon-neach, seann nòs, seinn chòisirean agus feadhainn dhen òigridh a bhuannaich prìomh fharpais seinn an luchd-ionnsachaidh dhan chloinn, Bonn Cuimhneachan Sheumais C Mhic a’ Phì. To find something specific, add your search term and hit enter. Huw continues his look at new Christmas Songs and today has a Christmas Cracker from The Lancashire Hotpots. FUNC is a fast paced, irreverent, and cheeky take on the modern Gaelic world. The programme was given a second screening on BBC Alba, the dedicated Scottish Gaelic language digital television channel and is now (from September 2011) being repeated on that channel. Ceitidh and Calum’s relationship progresses to the next level. 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