However some Shelties and Collies react very adversely to Heartguard. – This study was published in the American Journal of Veterinary Research and states that “We conclude that ivermectin and milbemycin commercial formulations have similar margins of safety and that milbemycin toxicosis appears to be dose-dependent in Collies with a demonstrated sensitivity to ivermectin.” Yes, this is looking at milbemycin, but they also concluded that ivermectin is safe in the recommended doses for heartworm prevention. The reason why we use Interceptor and not Heartgard for treatment of Demodex is that the active ingredient in interceptor (milbemycin) was shown to be effective against demodex. I worry that I am poisoning her! Many herding dogs who could have the MRD1 issue have white feet. Receive each veterinary news story by email. Shelties already prone to epilepsy have been known to have seizures after taking Heartguard. As mentioned in the article, dogs who have the MDR1 gene problem are sensitive to ivermectin at a high enough dose. Unless you can back up this statement with multiple studies, it should be retracted. Also contraindicated for dogs with an MDR1 gene mutation, which affects breeds such as: 1. The main concern is that some breeds of dog can have a mutation in a gene called MDR1. Your email address will not be published. Assessment of toxicosis induced by high-dose administration of milbemycin oxime in collies. And yes, in my practice I carry Trifexis, Advantage Multi, Revolution, Interceptor and Sentinel (when available) as well as Heartgard. However, I do not worry about toxicity when I prescribe Heargard Plus. For approval first.) They are common components of most canine heartworm preventives. Testing for the Gene is absolutely necessary before starting on ANY DOSAGE of Ivermectin. It is about time this breed was included with the MDR1 dogs. When it is available, I do prescribe more Interceptor than Heartgard, simply because Interceptor will also be effective against whipworms. I will NEVER use this wormer again. I don’t have a flea problem. But lately she is being a bit sluggish. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sent out a public advisory regarding 70 different flea and tick treatment products, due to reports of adverse reactions that were occurring in conjunction with their use on pets. //
. Ivermectin prevents heartworm infestation by killing larvae in the bloodstream. Scarlett is 6 1/2 years old, active, spends 1/2 of her day outdoors in an open area with woods. But I can say that interceptor never caused any problems. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (He did not have any other kind of worms.) It has an INSECTICIDE in it. The reactions that were reported included skin irritation, seizures, skin burns and death. Longhaired whippets 6. Dogs who have this mutation can be extremely sensitive to ivermectin which is the main ingredient in Heartgard. He has been trembling for a few seconds every few minutes this afternoon, but otherwise seems OK. Vet also gave me one Trifexis pill to give in a week (because it hasn’t been a month yet since the Comfortis.) I also would like to ask why a dermatological test was done with the dewormer rather than testing to see if once in the blood, it passed the brain barrier! It is so hard to loose a pet and we love them like family. According to the product website, NexGard works quickly to kill all fleas and ticks within 24 hours. Other Drugs and MDR1 Herding breeds (such as Collies) can be sensitive to the active ingredient, so talk to your veterinarian if your dog may be affected. Unfortunately, nothing is perfect. The test for the mutation is readily available through commercial veterinary diagnostic laboratories. As regards Heartgard and Australian Shepherds….I had been giving Scarlett Trifexis until the tick season appeared. For milbemycin, dogs with the MDR1 gene mutation can see neurological side effects at a dose of about 90 micograms per kilogram. They gave 3-5x the dosage of ivermectin recommended to be safe (along with imidacloprid) and here are their conclusions: “Analysis of results of this study indicates that dermal application of 10.0% imidacloprid-0.08% ivermectin is safe for use in ivermectin-sensitive Collies at dose rates of 3 or 5 times the proposed maximum therapeutic dose.”, And finally, Is Heartgard Plus Safe for Collies and Shelties? Dec 17th 2010. photo 2009 Daisyree Bakker | more info (via: Wylio)I have two Shelties and the two vets in the office where we go have different opinions on Heartgard for Collie type dogs. I told my vet I wanted her off Heartgard. Secondly, what heartworm medicine is safe for Australian shepherds? [CDATA[ There are a few variables here. My opinion, and more importantly the opinion of numerous veterinary toxicology gurus, is that Heartgard Plus is safe for Collies and Shelties. To keep up to date with the latest veterinary news you can sign up for Dr. Marie's monthly newsletter. I wanted to write a post to explain why this is not true. But, as far as heartworm prevention goes, both products are very good. She did not vomit but had terrible diarrhea for a day. Take a look now. One perscribes it and the other says not to use it. In clinical trials, many commonly used flea collars, dips, shampoos, anthelmintics, antibiotics, vaccines, and steroid preparations have been administered with HEARTGARD in a heartworm disease preventive program.Studies with ivermectin indicate … She is fine now and I managed to scare up some smaller does interceptor to double up on for her. The first would be if the collie had been tested for the MDR1 gene and was found not to have it. We love him so much. One of my shelties had a siezure the evening after I gave it to her. Treating dogs that are susceptible to ivermectin toxicity with parasitic medication should be only be done under a veterinarian's supervision and with great caution. This fact has led many vets to be wary of using Heartgard Plus in Collies and Shelties. There is no point testing a dog for MDR1 sensitivity just to put them on Heartgard which is a very small dose of ivermectin. Mixed Breeds 8. google_ad_width = 468; I gave my Boarder Collie Heartgard twice with no reaction before my vet told me to use Interceptor, something about white feet do not treat. Pyrantel pamoate removes many types of intestinal worms. Heartgard (it always pains me to type that word — I wish the manufacturer had decided to spell guard correctly) Plus is used in dogs as a monthly heartworm and intestinal worm preventative. your product Trifexis has resulted in neurological problems in my collie she is so bad has to be put to sleep it is criminal that you promote this product while pets are dying and their owners broken hearted. For all the “studies will show” I have direct experience to the contrary. I was concerned when I couldn’t get Interceptor and had a good suppy of heartgard from a pet that passed. I have no problem with a collie breed or any other breed with a potential MDR1 gene mutation receiving Heartgard. Both Interceptor and Heartgard Plus are intended to fight against worms, including heartworms and intestinal parasites. Collies and Ivermectin Safety Ivermectin, when dosed at the low dosage ranges necessary to prevent infection with heartworms, is generally considered to be safe for dogs of all breeds, including Collies, Shelties, Australian Shepherds, and English and Old English Sheepdogs. Silken Windhounds 11. Leave a comment below and hopefully I can help clear up the subject even more. The seizures come in clusters of 4 within a 24-hr period, about 1-2 months apart (so, yes, that means only 3 clusters have occurred so far) While we currently have our hands full dealing with Pb intolerance on a massive scale, which was undetected by our first vet, we are also investigating whether a switch from Interceptor to Ivermectim could have triggered the seizures, as 2 of the 3 clusters occured within 24 hours of the first and second dose ever of Ivermectin. You are likely aware that there is a shortage of Interceptor and Sentinel right now. ……and how much remained there ie accumulative effect of Ivermectin product. But I would think twice before doing high dose ivermectin (i.e. This is due to MDR1 gene. Then again we were not suprised because we know they are as suseptable to the same drugs as Collies with the MDR1 gene. When tested on pregnant cats, no side effects were spotted. It was absolutely horrible. Nuheart is a generic version of Heartgard, a well-known heartworm prevention for dogs. Is Trifexis safe? What is your opinion? Merial states that Heartgard is safe for use in collies, but "Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians" recommends caution when using the product in collies or collie mixes 3. Heartguard is a wonderful and very effective product that has saved countless dogs from getting heartworm. Canine ABCB1 and macrocyclic lactones: Heartworm prevention and pharmacogenetics – This study in the Journal called Veterinary Parasitology states that “all FDA-approved heartworm preventive products marketed in the United States are safe, even for dogs with the ABCB1 [MRD1] mutant/mutant genotype.”. NexGard chewables for dogs can be taken by dogs and puppies that are at least 8 weeks of age and weigh at least 4 pounds. I am a pharmacist and did my own research. If any of the following applies to your dog, they could be unsuitable for Heartgard treatment: Ivermectin Liver disease, kidney disease, pregnancy, nursing. It helps to understand why one vet is saying “White Feet, don’t treat” and another is saying Heartguard is fine. My little Buddy has his chin on my neck as I lay here in bed reading all your comments. But the bottom line is when my Aussie/Blue Heeler mix took HeartGard, she went into shock twice (right around the age of 1&1/2 years old) and I almost lost her before we figured out it was the Heargard. Vitamin E and Selenium speed up healing of Sarcoptic Mange. Dog breeds that are believed to be more likely to be carrying this gene include: If a dog with the MDR1 gene mutation receives a high enough dose of ivermectin (or milbemycin) they can have serious neurological side effects including tremors, seizures, coma and even death. The dose of milbemycin that is recommended to treat demodex is 0.5-1.6mg/kg. “White Feet Don’t Treat” is what I was taught in school for when we were trying to decide whether ivermectin injections were safe for an animal. Since Interceptor is unavailable, my vet recommended Trifexis. For this reason, if a vet feels that it is necessary to treat an animal with a significant dose of ivermectin (such as for treatment for sarcoptic mange) they will often recommend testing the dog for the MDR1 gene, especially if the dog is a herding breed. SAFETY: HEARTGARD has shown a wide margin of safety at the recommended dose level in dogs (See PRECAUTIONS for exceptions) including pregnant or breeding bitches, stud dogs, and puppies aged 6 or more weeks. But not Heart Gard? I have had several comments on my post about the Novartis shortages from people who are upset because they have a breed of dog who is sensitive to ivermectin and they feel that Interceptor and Sentinel are the only drugs that are safe to use for heartworm prevention for their dogs. I don’t know if my dogs have “the gene”. // ]]> If there were any neurological issues at all then we would discontinue the drug. But did you know that these dogs can also be sensitive to a number of other drugs, and that other breeds can also be affected? When it is available, I do prescribe more Interceptor than Heartgard, simply because Interceptor will also be effective against whipworms. When Interceptor first hit the market, the packaging proclaimed, “Safe for ivermectin sensitive collies.”  This implied that products like Heartgard that did contain small levels of ivermectin were not safe. Ivermectin and other related drugs (milbemycin, selamectin) are commonly used in the prevention and treatment of parasites. Is there not a product out there with just milbemycin oxime. At low doses, such as those used in heartworm prevention, ivermectin is safe even for dogs with MDR1 mutation. I was concerned about MDR1 since the sire/father had the gene. All rights reserved. I have never had hesitation about giving a collie dog (or a white footed dog) any heartworm meds. Old English Sheepdog 9. For “normal” dogs this is generally ok. Heartworm cannot be transmitted directly between dogs, only via the bite on a mosquito carrying infective larvae. Also, Trifexis doesn’t treat for tapeworms. thank you for your expertise regarding heartgard for shelties. You mentioned that “too many collies have passed because of just such poor advice.” If you have documented scientific evidence (not just anecdotal) of a collie dying after receiving Heartgard then please share! We know she is middle aged, however her exhaustion following a busy frisbee/tunnel exercise is concerning. However, with all that being said, I would still have caution in using daily interceptor in a collie. i feel a lot better now. She would freeze and would not move. Thank You Very Much Milo. The Gene was first defined as being from an imported Border Collie in the 1800’s. I’m afraid of these oral flea meds, and of the additional dose of worm meds in the Trifexis in between the two doses of Drontel Plus. Sorry for those that have lost their loved ones but thank you for sharing. Interceptor and sentinel usually delivers about 7-10 micograms per kg of milbemycin to the dog. I feel miserable! We just have to use the information we have to make the best decisions we can. Ivermectin is the most famous and widely used of the medications that can cause toxicity in many Collies and Shelties. Effects of dermal application of 10.0% imidacloprid-0.08% ivermectin in ivermectin-sensitive Collies – This study, published in the American Journal of Veterinary Research gave ivermectin to collies known to have the MRD1 gene. English Sheepdog 5. It is not financially feasable to study. Frontline doesn’t work at all any more. But, for a dog with the MDR1 gene this is well above the toxic dose of 50-100 micograms per kg. Being a breed with fewer numbers it is not likely they will be given a study. If you are using Heartguard and you notice your Sheltie having seizure (s) … It has not been determined if NexGard is safe for pregnant, breeding, or lactating dogs. Thank You very much for the information. Yes, I do. Very worried. Sassafras Lowrey Meanwhile they too continue to die from various drugs, not just Ivermectin. Because of the shortage of H W preventative for Sheltie type my vet also recommended Hartgard.. Several drugs used in heartworm prevention can be toxic if given at certain doses to affected dogs. Scared me big time. Ivermectin. Playing Russian roulette with someone’s pet is irresponsible. Is there a shortage of Interceptor and Sentinel for dogs? Heartgard’s website states that it is safe for all breeds of dogs. Australian Shepherds 2. When my vet ran out of interceptor I switched to Iverhart – the generic equivalent to Hartgard. Got extremely lethargic gums turned totally white and she got extremely lethargic flea... Those used in heartworm prevention and treatment of parasites heartworm but have not tried another flea med effects a... And some other Sighthounds I called and bitched them out…they all swore it did not have any breed! Main ingredient as Interceptor with absolutely no doubt – absolutely no doubt if I my... My name, email, and more importantly the opinion of numerous toxicology! 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