A muscle strain refers to the stretching or tearing of muscle fibers. A person with a pulled calf muscle may experience muscle cramps, swelling, and redness. A grade I strain is mild. If you feel a sudden pain in your calf, sometimes likened to if someone has hit it with a bat, you may have torn your calf muscle. Remember I do not replace a real person and always recommend seeking professional advice. Symptoms of a gastrocnemius muscle tear. Calf strain may be minor or very severe. A mild strain may feel more like an ache during or after exercise. The symptoms don't really explain how a torn calf muscle feels. Copyright © 2021 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. Calf Muscle Tear Although it is extremely painful, calf muscle tears occur often, especially to men ages 40 to 60. Treatment for a torn calf muscle involves using the RICE method and protecting the muscle to avoid further injury. A calf tear is a very common injury for runners as your calf performs a fast and large contraction when you run. Picture of torn biceps muscle. Sydney Physiotherapy Solutions is trusted for the knowledge and experience of it’s staff members. Undertaking fitness programs to develop strength, balance, coordination and flexibility. Learning the proper technique for exercise and sporting activities. all the fibres are torn, or a complete rupture of one of the heads of gastrocnemius When suffering from a completely torn calf muscle, pain will be severe and immediate. Symptoms of a torn calf that don't improve after a few days or start to worsen could be a sign of a more severe tear or a gastrocnemius muscle rupture. Managing Director BSc (ExSci) MPT (Physio) DPT (Physio) CSCS APAM MSMA. Muscle weakness When one or both of these muscles are overstretched, the muscle fibers can tear, resulting in various symptoms, including pain and swelling. If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately. Your recovery will depend on your individual injury. You can also do some exercises on your own when you are ready: Read more: The Best Way to Heal a Torn Calf Muscle. Swelling. Pain on resisted plantar flexion or contracting the muscles against resistance. The area around the injury may be tender, and rising up onto the toes or stretching out the calf may be painful. Your calf muscle is referred to as a single muscle, but it is actually two separate muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The immediate treatment of any soft tissue injury consists of the RICER protocol – rest, ice, compression, elevation and referral to a sports medicine professional. Spasms, or sudden involuntary contractions, of the calf muscle. Swelling 6. Symptoms of a pulled calf muscle can depend on the severity of the injury. Torn Calf Muscle. A sign of a torn calf muscle is similar to that of an Achilles tendon rupture. Also known as "tennis leg," calf ruptures may require surgical intervention and/or physical therapy. Privacy Policy. Symptoms. Typically a torn calf muscle refers to a complete tear, rather than just a muscle strain. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. The aim is to reduce the bleeding and damage in the muscle. The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the human body, and it connects two calf muscles (the gastrocnemius and the soleus) to the heel. A calf muscle with a grade III strain will be quite painful, swollen and discolored. Calf muscle strains are graded from 1 to 3, with grade 3 being the most severe. However, we have known people to tear their calf muscle by simply walking across the road. Typically there is bruising associated with this pain and normally the maximum tenderness or location of tear is higher than the bruised area. If your doctor is still unsure of the extent of the injury, she may order more tests, including X-rays and magnetic image resonance (MRI). Copyright ©2019 sydneyphysiosolutions.com.au. She also received personal trainer certification from NASM and her 200-hour yoga teacher certification from YogaWorks. Pain and swelling or bruising in the calf muscle. Redness or bruising 3. With a more severe strain, you will feel a sudden sharp pain at the back of the lower leg at the time of injury. At the time of injury, you may hear a popping sound or feel a tearing sensation in your calf. It is often confused with an achilles tendon rupture. Symptoms of a grade 2 calf tear usually last 4-6 weeks Grade 3 Symptoms With a grade 3 there is a large tear where there is complete rupture of the calf muscle i.e. A sudden pain at the back of the leg, particularly at the muscular tendinous junction. How to Care for a Torn Calf Muscle. Tearing your calf muscle is an injury often sustained when you are building up speed when running or through a sudden change to the direction you are running in. Stretching out calf muscles before physical activity, i.e. Your physiotherapist will grade the injury accordingly: The muscle is stretched causing some small micro tears in the muscle fibres. There may be bruising or swelling that develops over the following 24 hours. She will assess your symptoms, pain, swelling, bruising, range of movement and ability to walk. Depending on the severity of the damage to the muscle, symptoms of a torn calf can vary. Further Info With a complete tear, your doctor will likely refer you to an orthopedic specialist for further treatment. Depending on the severity of the calf tear, the injury could take up to 6 weeks to heal. Common Sites of Muscle Tear. Then you’ll experience pain, swelling or bruising in the calf muscle, and you’ll have difficulty walking properly or standing on your toes. A Leg Muscle Tear or Injury is said to occur whenever the leg muscle gets over-stretched or overused beyond its actual capacity. Gradually including weights or additional resistance over time. You may think you’ve just been hit in the leg and potentially hear a “pop.” There is sudden pain at the back of the calf. Typical symptoms of a plantaris muscle rupture include: Sudden pain in the back of the calf A swelling or bunching of the calf muscle Swelling and bruising in the back of the leg Grade 3 calf muscle injury. tennis, squash). Keeping calf muscles strong so they can absorb the energy of sudden physical stress. The pain is typically localized to the affected area. Especially if you heard or felt a pop at the time of injury, you should call your doctor right away. Full recovery takes approximately 4 to 8 weeks with good rehabilitation. Even if you have not spoken to your doctor yet, you can begin RICE until your doctor gives you further instructions. You may see a gap or dent where the muscle is torn.As this type of severe calf muscle tear results in complete loss of function, performing any activity will be challenging if not impossible. What is a Calf Muscle Tear? Your doctor may also recommend that you use over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to help reduce pain and swelling. The leg should be rested in an elevated position with an ice pack applied for 20 minutes every two hours (never apply ice directly to the skin). In this case, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A torn calf muscle is also known as a calf sprain. Arterial claudication Although all injuries are different, some of the sensations you might experience include: Read more: What Are the Treatments for Calf Muscle Pain? 3. In such a case, the symptoms last for only a few days. There may be some bruising as well as muscle weakness. Your recovery will depend on your individual injury. The symptoms of a pulled calf muscle vary depending on … With a grade II strain, walking may be painful and some activities may be limited. At the time of injury, you may hear a popping sound or feel a tearing sensation in your calf. Symptoms of a gastrocnemius muscle tear. This will ensure decreased bleeding and swelling in the injured area. These three muscles are the gastrocnemius, the soleus, and the plantaris. Leg Muscle Tear or Injury can also be called as Leg Muscle Strain. Know the causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and prevention of leg muscle tear or injury. Calf muscle tears usually occur during acceleration or changes in direction (e.g. RICE protocol should be followed for 48–72 hours. Only a few muscle fibers are overstretched or torn. While strains often feel like a mild to moderate pulling sensation, complete tears of the calf muscle can feel sharp, often leaving the individual not being able to walk. There might be a stabbing or tearing sensation felt at the time of injury, and there may be pain, tightness or discomfort when weight bearing. In addition to pain, symptoms that may accompany a bruised muscle include: He also leads his team of caring reception staff and expert physiotherapists with the same degree of passion, which is why Sydney Physio Solutions has built the outstanding reputation it has. Symptoms of a calf injury are usually a sharp pain, followed by swelling or bruising. Although he is one of the most experienced and sought after Doctors of Physiotherapy in Australia, Brad makes all his patients feel like they are #1. Gradually increasing the intensity and duration of training. Bruising. What Are the Treatments for Calf Muscle Pain? A torn calf muscle (gastrocnemius) is similar to an Achilles tendon tear or rupture, but occurs higher up in the back of the leg. Other symptoms include: Pain. Your “calf muscle” is actually made up of three muscles that are attached to the Achilles tendon in the posterior lower leg. tennis, squash). She studied creative writing at the American University of Paris and received a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Maryland. It can come as a surprise to many, but there are actually three different muscles within the calf muscle, … Calf muscle tears usually occur during acceleration or changes in direction (e.g. A calf muscle with a grade III strain will be quite painful, swollen and discolored. Grade 2 calf muscle injury. Return to the starting position so that your heels are on the same level of the step and repeat for a total of eight to 12 repetitions. Undertaking training prior to competition to ensure readiness to play. Understand what can get injured in your calf. A tear or rupture of the Achilles tendon causes acute pain at the back of the ankle or lower leg (lower than the calf muscle) and an … During recovery, it's important to avoid any activity that might cause reinjury. You may see a gap or dent where the muscle is torn. This can be caused by a sudden, abrupt movement or as a result of over use. Though muscle tear can occur at any site, yet there are a few sites where muscle tears are frequently encountered: 1) Torn biceps muscle – Popeye’s muscle. Common symptoms of a calf muscle injury A calf strain injury may cause immediate pain and the sensation of being struck or kicked on the back of the calf. Jody Braverman is a professional writer and editor based in Atlanta. When a person says, “I tore a ligament in my calf,” he really means that he tore his Achilles tendon, as this is the primary ligament that controls the calf. If you visit her office, she may ask you to perform some physical tests to assess the degree of the tear and muscle function. Your doctor will want to know what you were doing when you were injured. Symptoms of a calf strain vary significantly depending on how bad your injury is. According to Harvard Health Publishing, mild muscle strains will heal within a few weeks 2. Pain or tenderness 2. This will decrease stress on all muscles, including calf muscles. Pain that is throbbing while at rest but sharp and stabbing when you attempt to stand or walk. Wrap the lower leg in an elastic bandage to reduce swelling and provide support for weakened muscles. Other symptoms include: Pain. A strained calf can range from a small partial tear whereby there is minimal pain and minimal loss of function, to a complete rupture of the calf which may require surgical reconstruction. With a grade I strain, you shouldn't have any trouble walking around and completing daily activities. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, The Pain in My Right Calf Hurts More When I Squat, Knee Pain in the Medial Collateral Ligament When Running, some of the sensations you might experience. Insufficient warm up or cool down is a common cause of calf strain. Recovery takes approximately 2 to 4 weeks if you do all the right things. A calf muscle with a grade III strain will be quite painful, swollen and discolored. Calf strain symptoms. If your doctor is still unsure of the extent of the injury, she may order more tests, including X-rays and magnetic image resonance (MRI). Typically a torn calf muscle refers to a complete tear, rather than just a muscle strain. Calf muscle strain- cause, symptoms and treatment. We have physiotherapists who are experts in specific areas of the body so if you are searching for a physiotherapist, see an expert, not a generalist. If the tear is not complete, your doctor will send you home with instructions for self-care using the RICE treatment protocol. Sha… Stretching of the ankle in an upward direction (dorsiflexion) will produce moderate to severe pain (due to stretching of th… Swelling. Calf pain felt in your calf muscle belly is often the result of a pulled or torn calf muscle.A torn calf muscle can sometimes be confused with an Achilles tendon rupture, significant Achilles tendinopathy, leg cramps or even sciatica or referred pain from your lower back. This is the most severe calf strain with a complete tearing or rupture of muscle fibres in the lower leg. If the Soleus muscle is damaged pain might be incurred lower in the leg and when contracting the muscle against resistance with the knee bent. A mild strain can leave you with pain and feelings of pulling within the lower half of your leg. Read more: The Best Way to Heal a Torn Calf Muscle. Pain will be significant and will cause weakness in the lower leg muscle and make walking difficult. The calf muscle is found at the back of the lower leg and is comprised of three muscles: the plantaris, the gastrocnemius, and the soleus. This pain will build as you continue your activity and there may be obvious swelling and inflammation. 2) Torn finger extensor muscle: Mallet finger. Clinical examination of a calf muscle tear will find acute tenderness upon palpation to the entire inside aspect of the calf muscle (medial gastrocnemius muscle). * Elevation. In a minor tear, the pain is mild and the injury site is slightly taut and tender, but one can carry out activities, like walking, running, or even exercising. 2. The most common symptoms from a bruised muscle is pain. 2009;2(2):74-77. Muscle spasms 5. There may be mild pain and swelling, but the muscle is otherwise in good condition with no loss of strength or function. However, we have known people to tear their calf muscle by simply walking across the road. A muscle strain refers to the stretching or tearing of muscle fibers. Keeping your knees straight, rise slowly up onto your toes, and then lower your heels down slightly below the level of the step until you feel a slight stretch. There is partial tearing of muscle fibres. A sudden change of direction, explosive movement or increase in speed can result in the calf muscles becoming torn or strained. Even then, return to your former level of activity slowly. A ruptured calf muscle occurs when a muscle is put under too much strain and the muscle fibers tear completely away from themselves or from the tendons that secure the muscles to bone. Picture 3: Mallet finger (source: Wikimedia) 3) Torn calf muscle A grade II strain is a moderate injury. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine. Difficulty in contracting the muscle or standing on tiptoe. This is not intended to diagnose calf pain, only estimate the severity of a calf muscle tear. A grade III strain is the most serious, resulting in a complete tear. Problems walking or putting weight on the injured leg. Muscle strains are categorized based on the extent of the damage and the symptoms you might experience 2. Calf strain diagnosis quiz. Allowing adequate recovery time between workouts or training sessions. It is comprised of two muscles: gastrocnemius (main part) and the soleus. Problems walking or putting weight on the injured leg A correctly sized compression bandage should be applied to limit bleeding and swelling in the injured area. A physical therapy program can help you safely regain strength in your calf muscle and restore flexibility. It involves significant pain (burning and/or sharp in nature), immediately severe inflammation and bruising, muscle spasms and sometimes an audible "pop" as the muscle is severed. This occurs as the muscle separates in two or as it rips away from the tendon that attaches it to bone. There may be mild pain and swelling, but the muscle is otherwise in good condition with no loss of strength or function. If the tear is not complete, your doctor will send you home with instructions for self-care using the RICE treatment protocol. These muscles stretch from the calf down to the Achilles … Bruising. What are they symptoms of a calf muscle tear injury? Dixon JB. These 3 muscles are referred to as ‘the triceps surae’, and they attach to the Achilles tendon. Signs and symptoms will vary, depending on the severity of the injury, and may include: 1. Refrain from exercise, sports and other strenuous activities until your doctor says it's safe to do so. The No HARM protocol should also be applied – no heat, no alcohol, no running or activity, and no massage. Then you’ll experience pain, swelling or bruising in the calf muscle, and you’ll have difficulty walking properly or standing on your toes. A Grade III strain is a complete rupture of the muscle body or tendon. The calf is the muscle component in the back of a person’s lower leg. This method involves: RICE is most effective when initiated immediately after the injury and continued for at least 48 hours. calf raises. The symptoms don't really explain how a torn calf muscle feels. When this occurs and the injury involves the deeper calf muscle, it is known as a calf strain of the soleus muscle. This may be accompanied by a popping sound or sensation at the time of injury. Most of the injuries that occur to the calf are actually injuries to the gastrocnemius, the largest of the three. 2009;2(2):74-7. doi:10.1007/s12178-009-9045-8. Although all injuries are different, some of the sensations you might experience include: * Pain that is throbbing while at rest but sharp and stabbing when you attempt to stand or walk. Treatment for torn muscles typically includes immobilization or surgery followed by physical therapy. Depending on the degree of bruising and swelling, a palpable defect in the muscle may be evident. Sharp pain when you move or stretch the ankle or knee. All our clinics are staffed by highly qualified and expert physiotherapists whose motivation is to find the cause of your problem & return you to pre-injury fitness as soon as possible. A partial tear of the calf muscle results in a moderate, or grade 2 calf muscle injury. Grade 3 Tear: Complete tear in the muscle Symptoms of a Torn Calf Muscle Notable symptoms for a strained or torn calf muscle are stiffness, swelling, pain, and bruising. Gastrocnemius vs. soleus strain: how to differentiate and deal with calf muscle injuries. A calf strain occurs when the calf muscles are over stretched. Drinking water before, during and after play. Treatment depends on how severe the muscle tear is. Symptoms of a torn calf muscle include pain, swelling, bruising and weakness or loss of function. Working with a physical therapist may be part of your doctor's treatment plan or it may be optional. All Rights Reserved. A torn calf muscle is experienced through swelling or bruising if the tear is severe. ➜ In a moderate tear, the indicants become intense and the muscles weaken. With calf muscle tears, the muscles of the Achilles complex are most likely to be damaged. This is an often painful injury that will require immediate medical attention. Limited motion 4. Full recovery can take 3-4 months and, in some instances, surgery may be needed. The severity of the symptoms and the course of treatment depend on the extensiveness of the tear. Home » Blog » Muscle tears » Calf Muscle Tears. Pain that is throbbing while at rest but sharp and stabbing when you attempt to stand or walk. Calf problems - Muscle, bone and joint injuries | NHS inform Treatment for a gastrocnemius muscle tear. We have two physiotherapy clinics in Sydney CBD. The symptoms will vary depending on the severity of the strain, but most people will experience sudden, sharp pain and tenderness at the calf muscle site. Grade II tears can take two to three months and grade III tears may take several months. As this type of severe calf muscle tear results in complete loss of function, performing any activity will be challenging if not impossible. Although all injuries are different, some of the sensations you might experienceinclude: 1. Refrain from exercise, sports or other strenuous activities, MyHealth.Alberta.ca: Calf Strain: Rehab Exercises, Move Forward: Physical Therapist's Guide to Calf Strain, Bryan Dixon J. Gastrocnemius vs. soleus strain: how to differentiate and deal with calf muscle injuries. 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