Thus, this study aims to explore the level of roles among extension agents. The results revealed that technology skill, technology dissemination skill, technology evaluation skill, Decision making process skill, Leadership development skill and work performance were rated moderate by stingless beekeeping farmers while Social skill was rated high. Burton E, Farrier K, Hill KD, Codde J, Airey P, Hill A. to use effectively the information and tec, do(Knapp cited in Brenda Seevers, 1997). J Ext. Child and Family Services Act. Volunteer leaders may offer high value and return on investment for organizations and should be engaged in stimulating roles providing opportunities to practice new skills or build on existing personal strengths (58, 59). However, this training modality may be inappropriate for initial training of group exercise leaders, even when local classes are supervised by the Extension educator to ensure program adherence. Roles as change agents divided into four, Fig. In addition, ... Extension agents function is to change the level of decrease in farm production with the aid of technology transfer and findings from research institutes; to cause change in the attitude of the farmers so as to respond to innovations and to be actively involved in the development of agriculture; and agricultural sectors' contribution to national economy by way of promoting the development of specific crops [9] (Mohd Samsudin, 2012).However, it was earlier reported by [10] Sail (2008) that the accomplishment of any extension programmes relies on the responsibility of extension agents to transfer technology with the required skills and knowledge in enhancing farmers' capability to increase production. (2009) 6:456–62. The finding of no significance between group functional fitness outcomes is likely due to use of a standardized protocol for training and adaptation of a research-based strength training program for implementation in community settings. equipment, supplies, or services from the educator or to participate in activities that financially benefit the educator unless approved by the local board of education/governing board or authorized designee; 2. accepting gifts from vendors or potential vendors for personal use or gain where there may be the appearance of a conflict of interest; 3. The results showed that male Tegal ducks that were kept intensively in Bulusari farmer group’s farm had higher body weight, carcass weight, percentage of abdominal fat and relative income than semi intensive reared duck (P < 0,05). Layne J, Sampson S, Mallio C, Hibberd P, Griffith J, Krupa Das S, et al. J Rural Health. On the contrary, the role of extension agents is to extend, An Act to make provision to protect the privacy of individuals, and for related purposes. SWP participants included in the sample attended strength training classes led by the county Extension educator (educator-led), or were in counties utilizing volunteer leaders to instruct programs (volunteer-led). Green LW, Glasgow RE. Motivational factors include achievement, affiliation, and power and can be extrinsic or intrinsic. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002759.pub2, 24. Get unstuck. Hainsworth J, Barlow J. A total of 117 extension agents had participated in this study. Volunteer leaders enabled ongoing classes which continued indefinitely and beyond the initial 12 weeks. My Beliefs, Values, and Clinical Gestalt with Individual’s and Systems’ Paper Ariele Henderson University of Phoenix CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY: I certify that the attached paper, which was produced for the class identified above, is my original work and has not previously been submitted by me or by anyone else for any class. Republic Act No. doi: 10.1207/S15324796ABM2501_01, 46. In addition, [11], ... Because of this, an extension officer must possess good communication skills and well-prepared and effective during the delivery of agricultural messages. Proper training is imperative to ensure program fidelity and volunteer leader success (16). “It’s often tough to communicate as a family because you tend to focus so much on the day-to-day business operations of producing a commodity,” says David Marrison, Ohio State University agriculture-natural resources Extension educator. Income and doi: 10.1007/s13670-017-0217-x, 15. (2008) 2008:29–34. Participants with subsequent SFT delayed beyond 12 weeks were excluded to ensure consistency in comparisons. Significant and positive correlation (p<0.001) existed between each variables and work performance. 1990, CHAPTER C.11. Am J Orthopsychiatry. In order to achieve this, extension agents plays important role in educating farmers by encouraging them to learn, adopt new technologies and spread them to other farmers. The moderate levels of technology skill, technology dissemination skill, technology evaluation skill, leadership development skill, decision making process skill and social skill at high level tend to reflects level of work performance of the extension agents and moderate level of production among the beekeepers, the extension agents need to do more in these areas so as to be able to develop farmers knowledge and skills for sustainable improvement on their production. A Report of Research, Towards a competency profile for the role of instruction of agricultural extension professionals in Asfahan, Exploring Distance Education in Agriculture Extension: A view of Literature. We would like to thank our program leaders and participants as well as Susie Engle for her assistance in data preparation and analysis. ACTLA (1986) is dedicated to advancing jurisprudence, improving the adversary system and trial by jury, promoting the administration of … Previous enrollment in 4-H was not a factor that influenced incumbent agents' perceptions regarding the importance of the competency categories. Open-access physical activity programs for older adults: a pragmatic and systematic review. Focus area and aligning measures include: upper body flexibility: back-scratch test; lower body flexibility: sit-and-reach test; agility and dynamic balance: 8-foot up-and-go test; upper body strength: arm curl test; lower body strength: chair stand test; aerobic endurance: 3-min step test (28). (2014) 11:E141. In addition, they have to be, willing with the client regardless of the time, opportunity to implement it. Identify the major events that influenced the development of Extension education. Prev Med. In counties utilizing the volunteer delivery model, the Extension educator remained responsible for program oversight, including evaluation, maintaining paperwork, and conducting site visits to monitor progress and ensure program fidelity. -Authors. In this single state study, volunteer leaders with professional work experience, such as retired teachers, or past athletic participation, may have been more likely to volunteer than others which could influence their success in this type of role. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.04.006, 23. Simoni JM, Franks JC, Lehavot K, Yard SS. In both class formats—educator-led or volunteer-led—the Extension educator conducted the SFT to evaluate participant functional fitness improvements (28). This study emphasized that in order to improve the performance of agricultural extension agents, one of the way is by getting to know their competencies, skills and abilities. MG conducted data analysis and interpretation. Since the credibility threshold for the other nurses seeking an opinion is set at 65 for this simulation, nurse agent no. Nepalese farmers 1. Another study comparing the proportion of older adults meeting strength training recommendations across three large, national studies reported prevalence ranging from 16.7 to 21.6% (2). § 4101. doi: 10.1007/s11266-012-9268-y, 51. harvesting, processing, packing and storage. Resistance exercise in individuals with and without cardiovascular disease: 2007 update: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology and Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism. theRole of Instruction of Agricultural Extension Professionals in, Journal ofAgricultural Extension and Rural Devel, Through Knowledge and Skill of the Extension Profe, Science and Humanities, 2(3), 101-116. Here we examine some of the arguments surrounding the place of informal, non-formal and community education in development, particularly in the South and ask whether such educational initiatives act as agents of colonialism (or to be more accurate neo-colonialism). 56. Extension agents should also, the resources internally and externally to, meet the goal. Extension programs are delivered by professional Extension educators housed in county-based offices. Am Fam Physician. skills individuals and groups need to be effective in the, Competencies, Organisational Commitment And, Yemen.Phd. (2015) 53. Gerontologist. However, the role of improved schooling, a central part of most development strategies, has become controversial because expansion of school attainment has not guaranteed improved economic conditions. Therefore, invitation for agricultural extension talks or speeches must consider a speaker's expertise and provide sufficient advance notice. Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association. doi: 10.1123/japa.2015-0289, 12. A shift in the Extension approach to community engagement wherein we simply facilitate will not work. J Phys Act Health. A person who is able to identify and relate, Jessica Dart, R. J. Data was obtained from 54 beekeeping farmers and was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. J Aging Health. Gerontologist. State staff members rated the most important to the least important competency categories as follows: program planning, maintaining professionalism, understanding human behavior, communication, program execution, public relations, teaching, research, evaluation, administration, and 4-H. Extension agents rated the most important to the least important competency categories as follows: maintaining professionalism, public relations, program planning, communication, program execution, understanding human behavior, teaching, evaluation, administration, research, and 4-H. Program protocols include use of the SFT as a functional fitness measure, although established ranges of functional ability are not available for those younger than 60 years of age. The Professional Engineers Act and its various sections and associations. Characteristics, as assistant extension agent process should, need to have confidence in the ability of his, should not easily give up when faced with, by communicating with them and providing them within, shown with the other element of role. Fan JX, Wen M, Kowaleski-Jones L. Rural-urban differences in objective and subjective measures of physical activity: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2006. Sciamanna C, Ballentine NH, Bopp M, Brach JS, Chinchilli VM, Ciccolo JT, et al. doi: 10.5888/pcd11.140189, 54. The Institutional Review Board of the affiliated university approved the procedures used in this study. J Phys Act Health. Strategies to increase older adults' physical activity levels have been the focus of numerous studies (20–22). Understanding factors motivating volunteer engagement and continued involvement is key. An Agent is the person named in a Personal Directive who will make personal decisions on behalf of the Maker when the Maker no longer has the mental capacity to do so. At the individual level, similar participant outcomes have been found in volunteer-led and professionally-led programs addressing a range of health conditions. Surface science experiments, DFT calculations, and kinetic isotope effect data are utilized to understand the elementary steps that govern the selectivity of silver catalysts for the partial oxidation of ethylene to produce ethylene oxide. Phone 604.683.7702 Toll Free 1.844.288.7702 Fax 604.683.8601 Email [email protected] It is expected that the income generated by paddy industry will increase up to 988 million per year. (2015) 3:1–9. Outcomes for volunteer-led groups were found comparable for arthritis self-management, falls prevention, chronic disease self-management, and physical activity (33, 40, 41). Arch Phys Med Rehabil. It has been tried to find the professional competency of AOs to cope with the weed problem in North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan. 2009, c. 25, s. 1. However, the influence of such factors cannot be accounted for here. employment opportunities for farmers can be raised by increasing production, processing and (2009) 49:847–55. Williams MA, Haskell WL, Ades PA, Amsterdam EA, Bittner V, Franklin BA, et al. The highest contribution is attributed by decision making support skill (β=0.215). WHEREAS Australia is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the English text of which is set out in Schedule 2 to the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986:. Same was the case regarding lack of farmers' guidance in herbicide application. (2008) 5:A25. The main goal of extension service is to transfer technology and develop clients' capacity and potentials to enhance their work performance. (2013) 25:1388–97. Voluntas. Walters C, Troutman-Jordan M. An investigation of the effectiveness of A Matter of Balance/Volunteer Lay Leader Model (AMOB/VLL): findings from a community senior center. Majority of the respondents were not in a position to point out the weeds of major and minor crops. Volunteer-led strength training classes can expand access, improve exercise adherence, and enhance intervention sustainability for older adults. Research, practice, and policy perspectives on evidence-based programing for older adults. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2017.1329549, 20. Nationally, the SWP is most widely implemented through the Cooperative Extension Service (Extension). In 2005 the agricultural. These instructors are part-time subject matter specialists who cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and teach short-term extension courses in different disciplines to farmers. (2012) 39:183–90. Such a quantitative assessment of impacts could be a useful input into the allocation, The purpose of this study is to examine the rural administrators which is Village Development and Security Comittee level of competency and socio demographic factor that affect it. Examples: Administration of Estates Act, R.S.A. 2009, c. 25, s. 1. Conn V, Minor M, Burks K, Rantz M, Pomeroy S. Integrative review of physical activity intervention research with aging adults. leading from this intermediate to selective and unselective products are calculated. Almost all participants were White women living in a rural areas. However; 7% of AOs had the required knowledge related to weeds. Yan T, Wilber K, Aguirre R, Trejo L. Do sedentary older adults benefit from community-based exercise? Developing case specific for distance education that has been developed through out research world. Ory MG, Smith ML. doi: 10.1177/1524839919840004. These findings help address such concerns and support adoption and implementation of outreach strategies with intentional involvement of volunteer leaders. Note: Authority cited: Section 2570.20, Business and Professions Code. 59. (2003) 51:1159–68. The SFT is criterion-referenced by age and gender and was selected as most appropriate for the project given participants' age range, the need for measure consistency across participant groups, and ease of administration. The conclusion of this study was intensively reared ducks had higher carcass production and percentage of abdominal fat than semi intensively reared ducks. The study found that 48.3% of the respondents had obtained information about agricultural practices from extension agents and that 65% of the respondents regularly visited the agricultural extension department. Table 1. Boston, MA: Tufts University (2005). (e) “The Occupational Therapy Practice Act” or “Act” means Chapter 5.6 of Division 2, of the Business and Professions Code. (2017) 25:311–24. However, only education and training provided by extension agents were significantly positive in influencing the effectiveness of extension services. Extension Jobs. Benefits of strength training for older adults are well-established (23). The presence of one or more volunteers trained as SWP leaders determined county classification as volunteer-led. Volunteers' effectiveness in achieving similar participant fitness outcomes as professionals suggests volunteer leaders should be trained using the same methods and level of rigor often reserved for professionals. Extension educators were trained and conducted participant SFT using standardized protocols. The highest contributing factor is social skill (β=.446). The evidence provided supports the view that the evaluation of the impacts of new technologies must be set in a general equilibrium framework if the results are to be valid. Hence, the competency of extension agents in Malaysia is indeed especially as a change agents and one of the important determinants of success for agriculture industry in Malaysia. Psychol Health. However, leader type was not built into program reporting protocols and direct comparisons between classes led by volunteers and those led by Extension educators are not possible. The text of all provincial acts and regulations is … Volunteer-led approaches also promote self-efficacy, a major determinant of physical activity maintenance (44). 1. Circulation. Layne JE, Arabelovic S, Wilson LB, Cloutier GJ, Pindrus MA, Mallio CJ, et al. Extension educators implement programs based on local needs, which usually includes some aspect of health and wellness. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. The initial time and monetary investment in training was intensive and may have been reduced by utilizing other methods, such as web-based training. Extension educators are paid employees, typically non-exercise professionals, hold a bachelor's or master's degree, and conduct programming in a variety of areas. We offer recommendations for organizations seeking to adopt similar approaches. The DoA has been facing a number of constraints and without a total restructuring, its ability to provide services demanded by farmers is under serious doubt. Motivators and barriers for older people participating in resistance training: a systematic review. The trend toward offering more web-based training may be suitable for some community-based programs, but effectiveness for exercise classes needs further evaluation. Agricultural education systems, including extension, formal education, in-service training, and mass media/distance education programs are examined for their importance and their need to network to prepare the agricultural workforce to meet new challenges. Arcury T, Preisser J, Gesler W, Powers J. Published studies exploring use of volunteers or lay leaders in health outreach programs, including group exercise and strength training classes, have increased in the last decade (24, 32–37). [18], National Centrefor Agricultural Economics and Policy Res. The paper also provides support for the need to bring into such impact analyses the effects on income distribution, welfare, and nutrition. The extension, officers’, as well as Agricultural Extension Agents, must, What is role? Both groups are irregularly involved in extension services to the Bintulu community. Washburn LT, Cornell CE, Traywick L, Felix HC, Phillips ME. This study determines the relationship between technology transfer, human resource development and extension agents' work performance among cocoa growers in Malaysia. Demand for community-based fitness programs will remain unmet without adoption of new approaches to expand reach (16, 24). Regression analysis results showed that human resource development skills are significant (p<0.05). 38. What separates NC State University from other schools? Successful dissemination of a community-based strength training program for older adults by peer and professional leaders: the People Exercising Program. Regular strength training is associated with reduced fall risk, reduced disability, and improved chronic disease management, all conditions disproportionately affecting older adults (3–7). One exception is the open-access community-based physical activity programs offered by Extension educators operating through the Land-Grant University Cooperative Extension System (21). 2018). To acquire information on the rules and processes of specific education institutions in Canada, agents will have to … Barriers to regular exercise among adults at high risk or diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review. The study used stratified sampling method to select 668 productive cocoa growers who are exposed to extension activities facilitated by the extension agents' of Malaysian Cocoa Board (MCB) in the three (3) regions of Malaysia. J Aging Phys Act. Extension, client referrals. — Roles; Change Agents; Extension Agents. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Associate Dean for Extension S-107 Ag Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091 (859) 257-4302 doi: 10.1080/01924788.2017.1376174, 45. The research design was descriptive and quantitative survey of stingless beekeepers on technology transfer and human resource development by the extension agent. CHAPTER I The Code: Policy and Application (2007). Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica Motivations of volunteer leaders in an extension exercise program. For example, study of fitness outcomes in the StrongWomen Program (SWP), a nationally-disseminated and community-based strength training program, showed older adult women significantly improved functional fitness in six domains assessed by the Senior Fitness Test (SFT) (27–29). The study described here examined fitness improvements among participants of two types: those in counties adopting a volunteer-led program model, and those relying solely on an educator-led model for StrongWomen Program (SWP) delivery. Consolidation Period: From January 1, 2018 to the e-Laws currency date. technical knowledge and do not use chemicals as fertilizers or plant protection measures (Kattel, 37. The same thing that connects it to every corner of North Carolina: NC State Extension. In today's ever changing and demanding healthcare environment, identifying and developing nurse leaders is one of the greatest challenges faced by … Of 658 participants completing baseline SFT at or near the start of the SWP, 48% (n = 317) were eligible for inclusion. Key words: Awareness, adoption, farmers, agricultural extension, maize, Pakistan. The first chapter is the general introduction, which provides the literature review, problem statement, research design, definition of concepts, study area and the outline of the thesis. Insights from quantitat... Socio-demography factors for level of competency among rural administrators: The case of peninsular... PRODUKSI KARKAS DAN PERSENTASE LEMAK ABDOMINAL ITIK TEGAL JANTAN DENGAN SISTEM PEMELIHARAAN INTENSIF... Control of Ethylene Epoxidation Selectivity by Surface Oxametallacycles. Community Health Worker National Workforce Study. of international agricultural research resources. Figure 1. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. To ensure the success of extension program, the agents should recognize their roles as change agents (as a catalyst, solution giver, process helper, and resource linker) and have ability to acquire competencies to accomplish these roles. Figure 1 is a graphic demonstrating how the various authorities, the Association, the Council, the committees, licensing and Certificates of Authorization all flow from the Act. Moreover, agricultural extension aids in the spreading of awareness and the sharing of knowledge among different partners in the agricultural sector (Ngaka & Zwane, 2017). Australas J Ageing. Buman MP, Giacobbi PR Jr, Dzierzewski JM, Aiken Morgan A, McCrae CS, Roberts BL, et al. In the program described here, volunteer leaders and Extension educators received standardized face-to-face training on the evidence-based program protocol (56). Several issues made use of a control or comparison group unfeasible. It is the most comprehensive, searchable collection of full-text African electronic journals available on one platform. The study focused on determining the challenges or factors influencing the fluency/smoothness in giving speeches by academic and non-academic personnel in UPMKB. Differences between the educator-led and volunteer-led ) showed no significant differences between the educator-led and volunteer-led participant groups educator-led... By academic and non-academic personnel in UPMKB Phillips ME function in older adults community! Existed between each variables and performance: sections 481, 2570, 2570.2, and! On health-related behaviors in adults 53 % had already adopted the techniques and rural populations System exported. Latham N. Progressive resistance strength training classes can expand access, improve exercise adherence middle-aged... 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